Fischer vs Kasparov – The Sicilian Najdorf: 6. Bg5 Posted on April 25, 2012 by William in All Articles w/ Videos, Chess Openings, Strategy & Game Review The 6. Bg5 Main Line of the Sicilian Najdorf is one of...
Reykjavik Open 2013
The Icelandic Chess Federation, in co-operation with the Reykjavik Chess Academy, welcomes you to the 28th edition of the Reykjavik Chess Festival which is scheduled to take place from March 5 to March 13, 2013. New in the 2013...
So continues winning ways in Luneta rapid chess
GM So continues winning ways in Luneta rapid chessABS-CBNnews.comPosted at 04/28/2012 7:19 PM | Updated as of 04/28/2012 7:19 PM MANILA, Philippines – The country’s top rated Grandmaster (GM) Wesley So scored his second straight victory in the 2012...
2 share first at Nabokov Memorial
Nabokov Memorial, Kiev 1 Baryshpolets, Andrey IM UKR 2486 ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 0 6,5 2 Vysochin, Spartak GM UKR 2550 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 6,5 3 Kislinsky, Alexey GM...
Prisoners reaping benefits of game
On Chess: Prisoners reaping benefits of gameSaturday April 28, 2012 8:17 AMSource: School chess programs are common. In New York alone, thousands of children are exposed to their benefits. Programs for adults are much rarer. I recently learned...
Chess Federation throws Olympiad trials open
Chess Federation throws Olympiad trials openSaturday, 28 April 2012 14:20 obidike The Public Relations Officer of the Nigeria Chess Federation (NCF), Femi Solaja, on Sunday, has said that the selection trials for the forthcoming Chess Olympiad will be thrown...
Aronian vs Kramnik LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom The match Kramnik Aronian 2012 will be commented live on by GM Arkadij Naiditsch and the Chess Evolution team. Games start April 21st at 15:00 CET, If a game ends...
9th Annual Susan Polgar Foundation Girl’s Invitational (FREE rooms and meals for official qualifiers)
Rules and Conditions for the 9th Annual Susan Polgar Foundation Girls’ Invitational (SPGI)July 22 – 27, 2012 at Webster University (St. Louis, Missouri) Over $100,000 in chess scholarships, chess prizes, netbook computers, etc. The annual Susan Polgar Girl’s Invitational,...
Jamaica Chess Champs Heads For Photo Finish!
Jamaica Chess Champs Heads For Photo Finish! The Jamaica National Chess Championships will come to a thrilling end this weekend at the Norman Manley Law School. The tournament, which is in its 44th edition, headlines with the highest ranked...