Conference with Judit PolgarSubmitted by Kit on Thu, 12/01/2012 – 05:11 9. Women in chess and beyond Жак: – Who do you feel you are – who are you, in your view, first and foremost? To what degree have...
PH’s Gomez tied for 2nd in India Chess
PH’s Gomez tied for 2nd in India Chessabs-cbnNEWS.comPosted at 01/12/2012 7:12 PM | Updated as of 01/12/2012 7:12 PM MANILA, Philippines — Southeast Asian Games (SEAG) silver medalist Grandmaster (GM) John Paul Gomez finished in a tie for second...
My first impressions of a US tournament wasn’t great
Chess in the US in the eyes of the EnglishReport from Las Vegas by Sabrina Chevannes …I had heard lots of stories about American chess events, but never experienced them myself. Even at a junior stage, their tournaments are...
Grandmaster Tournament Moscow 2012
Grandmaster Tournament Moscow 2012 The international chess festival “Moscow Open 2012” takes place in Moscow on January 27 (date of arrival) – February 6 (date of departure), 2012. The venue is Russian State Social University (RSSU). Among the multiple...
Moscow Festival 2012, the open sections
Moscow Festival 2012, the open sections The Moscow Chess Festival will take place 27 January – 9 February, 2012. It will have a closed GM group for men and women (see participants list here) and two open sections. Chessdom...
Tata Steel chess tournament 2012
Tata Steel chess tournament 2012 Tata Steel 2012will take place 13-29 January 2012 in Wijk Aan Zee. It is the first super chess tournament of the year with two players from the 2800 club – Carlsen and Aronian –...
‘Visual impairment is not an obstacle to play chess’
NATIONAL LEVEL OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT FOR BLIND ‘Visual impairment is not an obstacle to play chess’ The national level championship drew enthusiastic reponse from visually challenged players from across the country. If they try, visually impaired are no less...
Can you feel the love to NICE
Can you feel the love to NICE from Lisa Suhay on Vimeo. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
World’s First FIDE Rated Blitz Event
World’s First FIDE Rated Blitz Event Wednesday, 11 January 2012 06:39 FIDE have decided to try a new venture which is creating new Blitz and Rapid play Rating Lists. These will first appear 1 July. Hastings is often in...
Trainers Wanted
Trainers Wanted FIDE-endorsed Asean Chess Academy is seeking experienced trainers who speak fluent English to train in east Asia. The trainers will be assigned to various Asian territories for a term contract of one year. Trainers will be provided...