Many people asked me about my personal expectation for this super Mayor’s Cup Invitational. To be honest, I have no expectation what so ever. It is hard to play in a tournament where I am 100 points lower than...
Wimbledon Picks – Analysis
After picking a pair of winners for the French Open, I received tons of emails about Wimbledon. This will be more difficult as grass is a lot more unpredictable. A bad bounce can swing the entire match and we...
Important Chess Exercise
This was an actual game that I played. Forget about what opening this is. Pretend that you have this position. It is Black’s move. Let’s do the following: – Evaluate this position– If you have a choice, which side...
Press Release from NYC Sports Commissioner
SPORTS COMMISSIONER PODZIBA ANNOUNCESTHE MAYOR’S CUP CHESS INVITATIONAL TOURNAMENT New York City Sports Commissioner Kenneth J. Podziba welcomes the Mayor’s Cup Chess Invitational Tournament to New York City on June 25-26, 2006. The tournament will be held at the...