Ribbon Cutting at Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport to introduce two new giant chess sets and displays at the east and west wings of the terminal.
The 2008 World Championship match between Anand and Kramnik is winding down. Anand is within 1 point with 4 games to play to retain his title. He completely dominated the match so far.
Ivan Sokolov is dominating the annual Essent tournament in Holland. He is 2.5 points ahead of his closest rival with one round to go.
I have recently reached an agreement with the Internet Chess Club to host the Polgar Chess University online on World Chess Live (3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced + Special course for Parents and Teachers).
Cercle d’Echecs Monte Carlo and URAL Sverdlovskaya won the 2008 European Club Cup (ladies and open section respectively).
It’s Saturday Open Forum. The forum is yours. What would you like to discuss?
You once mentioned a syndicated chess column you were starting – where can I read it please?
I wonder who had the glorious idea for this world championship to play the games on fridays and sundays, instead of saturdays and sundays. The normal working class people would be able to watch more games if the matches were on the weekend. Seems people in chess have to learn far more about marketing…
Dear Susan,
Where do you find time to do all of your tasks?
Now a new University? Do you have a staff? Will you get help from your friends at University of Texas?
“Where do you find time to do all of your tasks?
Now a new University? Do you have a staff?”
When you love what you do, you’ll find time. I will have many world-class instructors and players come in as guest lecturers from time to time.
Best wishes,
I’d join that
Mike Magnan
First of all thank you very much Susan for the really interesting and helpful analysis of the Anand-Kramnik games.
I have 3 comments on the games. First all the games have seemed very open (for 1.d4 games!) and also assymetrical so they have all been very interesting and dynamic.
Second Anand’s match planning has been perfect.
Third I think in the mainstream media there has been less interest than usual, which is a pity…
Kramnik must take risks with black finally, a safe draw will give him less than a 1 in a 1000 chance of a comeback (he would need to win his last 4 games (half black) just to reach rapid tiebreak, and he has never won a game with black against Anand in their careers, not to mention how they are playing here)
However it seems to me Kramnik is already resigned to his fate, and does not want his score to become any worse- which is much more likely than him winning.
Last 3 games- not 4- would need to be won- including 1 black – sorry- so make that less than 1 in 100, but still…
Hey Sue,
Do you think the World Championship has lost some of its luster? I mean outside chess websites you don’t see anything from the Associated press or newspapers. And do you think the World Championship should be only 12 games long?
Susan could talk to the computer science department at Lubbock, to set up a special one semester project (for full course credit) where a few students could develop a web site that tournament organizers and directors across America could use to run tournaments over the web.
at the SPNI, people were videotaping us to make a DVD. I wonder, was the DVD ever made? Thank you.
Philip J. Berg
Pennsylvania Democrat Philip J. Berg, who filed a lawsuit demanding Sen. Barack Obama present proof of his American citizenship, now says that by failing to respond Obama has legally “admitted” to the lawsuit’s accusations, including the charge that the Democratic candidate was born in Mombosa, Kenya.
As WND reported, Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August, alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States. Though Obama has posted an image of a Hawaii birth certificate online, Berg demands that the court verify the original document, which the Obama campaign has not provided.
Now Berg cites Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama has only filed motions to dismiss and has not actually answered the charges in the lawsuit, Berg claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen.
Now Berg is asking the court for a formal declaration of Obama’s admission and asking the Democratic National Committee for another presidential candidate.
In a statement released today, Berg argues that he filed Requests for Admissions on Sept. 15, meaning Obama had until Oct.. 15 to answer or face the consequences of Rule 36.
“Obama and the DNC ‘admitted,’ by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit,” Berg’s statement reads. “Obama is ‘not qualified’ to be president and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for president and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate.”
Berg’s original lawsuit leveled several charges at both Obama and the DNC – accusing the former of lying about his place of birth, faking his birth certificate and fraudulently running for office; and accusing the latter of not properly vetting its candidate.
Though it hasn’t given Berg the evidence he seeks, the Obama campaign has publicly answered allegations that the candidate was born in Kenya and faked his Hawaii birth certificate.
“Smears claiming Barack Obama doesn’t have a birth certificate aren’t actually about that piece of paper,” says the “Fight the Smears” section of Obama’s website, “they’re about manipulating people into thinking Barack is not an American citizen.
“The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America,” the campaign website states. It also includes images of a Hawaii birth certificate bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama II.
Berg has also taken the controversy public through his website and through repeated public offers to revoke the lawsuit if Obama will produce legal documents that establish his citizenship.
Without those documents, Berg has chosen to file two additional motions in district court in Philadelphia. The first asks the court to notify Obama and the DNC of what Berg understands they have now legally “admitted,” and the second asks for an expedited ruling, given the quickly upcoming Nov. 4 election.
“It all comes down to the fact that there’s nothing from the other side,” Berg told Jeff Schreiber for his blog, America’s Right. “The admissions are there. By not filing the answers or objections, the
defense has admitted everything. He admits he was born in Kenya. He admits he was adopted in Indonesia. He admits that the documentation posted online is a phony. And he admits that he is constitutionally ineligible to serve as president of the United States.”
Obama ‘Birth Certificate’ Photoshopped Fake
israelinsider reports:
The “birth certificate” claimed by the Barack Obama campaign is not certified as authentic and appears to be a photoshopped fake.
The image, purporting to come from the Hawaii Department of Health, has been the subject of intense skepticism in the blogosphere in the past two weeks. But now the senior spokesman of that Department has confirmed to Israel Insider what are the required features of a certified birth document — features that Obama’s purported “birth certificate” clearly lack.
The image became increasingly suspect with Israel Insider’s revelation that variations of the certificate image were posted on the Photobucket image aggregation website — including one listing the location of Obama’s birth as Antarctica, one with the certificate supposedly issued by the government of North Korea, and another including a purported photo of baby Barack — one of which has a “photo taken” time-stamp just two minutes before the article and accompanying image was posted on the left-wing Daily Kos blog.
Kos’s Obama Birth Certificate Fake? [Hawaii Says It Did not Use “African” on Certs]
Kos is gloating over producing Barack Obama’s birth certificate. First, generally vital statistical records are not available to anyone except the subject of the record unless they have signed a release (I’m checking Hawaii’s laws). Perhaps the “Light Being” gave him a copy, who knows. But the interesting thing about this certificate is the description for race on Obama’s father, it lists him as “African”. In 1961 all Live Birth certificates contained the word “Black”, which is a race, not African.
Proof Barack Obama Birth Certificate is a Forgery.
This is an exclusive exposing the Barack Obama birth certificate as an absolute forgery and it has been in plain sight all along.
There can not be any Obamaniacs descending on sites claiming the experts are wrong, pixels are wrong or any other way of muddying the waters as the 1000 points of darkness have been carrying out their marching orders.
Below is a cut out of one part of the published Barack Obama birth certificate which exposes the fraud and forgery of this document. This is the certified certificate from Barack Obama himself.
What has been staring everyone in the face is the effects of political correctness and no one has seen it. The beauty of this liberal political correctness is that the person who forged this document got caught in their own trap of affirmative action hyphenated Americans.
Look closely at Stanley Ann Dunham’s race. Caucasian.
Now look closely at Barack Hussein Obama sr’s race. It is listed as African.
That doesn’t seem all that interesting and no one has noticed it until one looks that this is an official document filed in August 1961.
Most people on the internet and blogging have no sense of history nor in the use of words and it is this lack of sense which is going to bite whoever forged this document.
Up until 1968, the standard term for all Africans was “negroe”. This fit with the absolute secular scientific teaching of the day which notes the world has 3 races in Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Negroid.
It was not until the Black Revolution when negroe or negro became a foul description in the late 1960’s and then “black” was demanded by this group to describe them.
It was not until the late 1970’s when political correctness came into vogue that it ushered in by the 1980’s the term “African” to describe all blacks.
Whoever forged this birth certificate was not utilizing the 1960’s terminology which a black person would be listed as. They fell instead into a warped year 2000 politically correct description of “African”.
This is absolutely telling as if you looked at birth records in Prussia centuries ago, those people would be termed Prussian, Bavarian etc… as Germany did not yet exist as a termonology for nation state. If someone was listed as German in 1700, it would be glaring forgery just like the Obama forgery stuns the eyes once one knows what they are looking at.
One could research the certificates in Hawaii for absolutes, but considering as has been warned in this blog that Hawaii is a Democratic state, has Democratic officials who have been hemming and hawing about this certificate and only upon precise questioning do they start backing down as it means their jobs and prison time if they certify a forgery as real and this is Democratic transplanted son Barack Obama carrying on this charade, could one ever get a clear answer from them unless one looked at numbers of birth certificates to precisely learn how Hawaii was labeling “blacks”.
If this case it is African, then why is not Stanley Ann Dunham labeled correctly North American after her continent? She though is labeled correctly as caucasian as that is exactly as she is.
If one still today searches enough death certificates in the 50 United States, you will find listed on them the term NEGRO. Now that is over 40 years since 1961 in Barack Obama’s birth and political correctness has not reached completely into the coroner’s records.
That fact is scientific and if it still exists today as proof it certainly is the proof from before 1900 in America and past 1960 that all blacks were noted as “negroe” or “negro” on all public records from birth certificates, marriage licenses, passports, driver’s licenses to death certificates.
Whoever forged the Barack Obama birth certificate got caught in Mr. Obama’s own political correctness.
In 1961 America, blacks were negroes and not Africans no matter if they came from Africa or not.
If one cares to examine the Negroe Leagues in baseball where blacks were to “pass” as Cubans to the United Negroe College Fund to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, there was no African at all in any terminology.
One was negroe on legal documents and “colored” in common usage.
No pixels in this. No questioning borders and no questions about the researcher’s expertise as negroe is American history and scientific fact just like whoever forged the Obama birth certificate got caught in political correctness in not being able to use a term they were trained to avoid.
That is a fact. This birth certificate is a fake.
Here is the analysis and proof Obama faked his birth certificate!
It was created on a Mac laptop using photoshop.
Computer researcher decodes the digital picture! You democrats are voting for a deadly liar and enmy of the state!
If this proves to be true, will Obama go to prison?
What will be his punishment?
Someone should tell the Governor of Hawaii that she has been declared to be a Democrat by a contributer to this forum.
What does any of this Obama discussion have to do with chess? Please take political rantings to the places suitable for those sorts of things.
Chess fan
P. S. Susan is at Texas Tech University not University of Texas.