Standings after round 1 1. Kosteniuk, Alexandra gm RUS 2537 * . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 2. Ubiennykh, Ekaterina wm RUS 2346 . * . . . . . . . 1...
Russian Championship 2016

Source: TWIC by Mark Crowther The Russian Chess Championship takes place in Novosibirsk 16th to 28th October 2016. Players: Grischuk, Svidler, Inarkiev, Tomashevsky, Vitiugov,, Jakovenko, Oparin, Fedoseev, Kokarev,, Riazantsev, Goganov and Bocharov play. Alongside is the women’s championship with...
Russian Championships round 1 results

Round 1 results (women) IM Kashlinskaya, Alina vsWGM Pogonina, Natalija [0-1] GM Kosteniuk, Alexandra vsIM Bodnaruk, Anastasia [1/2-1/2] GM Gunina, Valentina vsWGM Goryachkina, Aleksandra [0-1] GM Lagno, Kateryna vs IM Kovalevskaya, Ekaterina [1/2-1/2] IM Savina, Anastasia vs IM Guseva,...
Excellent Interview with Natalia Pogonina

Hello Natalia, congratulations on winning the Russian Superfinal! How does it feel to hold the most important national title of Russia? Of course, it is nice to win such a strong event, especially undefeated. However, I am generally more...
Pogonina is Russia’s new Chess Queen

Artwork by Mike MagnanPogonina just won the Russian Women’s Championship by a full point over Gunina and N. Kosintseva. Full standings 1. WGM Pogonina (2448) 6½/9 2-3. IM Gunina (2507), GM N. Kosintseva (2524) 5½ 4-6. IM Galliamova (2465),...
Russian Women’s Championship final round results

Final round results Kosintseva, Tatiana – Charochkina, Daria 0-1 Kovanova, Baira – Pogonina, Natalija ½ Kosintseva, Nadezhda – Galliamova, Alisa 1-0 Girya, Olga – Gunina, Valentina ½ Ubiennykh, Ekaterina – Ovod, Evgenija 1-0 Official website: Chess Daily News...
Russian Women’s Championship LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Pogonina assures a share of 1st with one to go

Standings after round 8 1. Pogonina, Natalija wg 2448 6 2-4. Gunina, Valentina m 2507 5 2-4. Galliamova, Alisa m 2465 5 2-4. Kosintseva, Tatiana g 2530 5 5-6. Kosintseva, Nadezhda g 2524 4½ 5-6. Girya, Olga wg 2433...
One more decisive day at Russian Women’s Championship

Round 8 results Pogonina, Natalija – Kosintseva, Nadezhda ½ Galliamova, Alisa – Girya, Olga 1-0 Gunina, Valentina – Kosintseva, Tatiana 1-0 Charochkina, Daria – Ubiennykh, Ekaterina 1-0 Ovod, Evgenija – Kovanova, Baira 0-1 Official website: Chess Daily News...
Russian Women’s Championship LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar