Rang Teilnehmer TWZ Attr. Land S R V Punkte PktSum MiBuch 1. GM Mamedyarov,Shakhriyar 2717 M AZE 9 2 0 10,0 62,5 71,0 2. GM Naiditsch,Arkadij 2697 M 9 1 1 9,5 60,5 69,0 3. GM Akopian,Vladimir 2712 M...
Mamedyarov rules Ordix
It’s a beautiful day for MamedyarovEric van Reem Finally he made it! He has tried six times to win one of the Opens in Mainz, but this year the Azeri grandmaster Shakhriyar Mamedyarov won the ORDIX Open with a...
Ordix Open – Chess Classic
CHESS CLASSIC / ORDIX OPEN 2009 2007 the Chess Classic ORDIX Open attracted 762 participants to become the world’s biggest tournament. At that time it already was the world’s biggest open. For 16 years the world’s best players have...
Nepomniachtchi wins Ordix Open
Nearly 700 players took part in the 15th Ordix Open. It is an 11-round rapid chess tournament in Mainz, Germany. Russian GM Ian Nepomniachtchi (2602) edged out on tie-break against Ukrainian GM Pavel Eljanov (2716). Final Standings: 1-2. Nepomniachtchi,...