Go Blue! I must be out of my mind but I am going with the Giants by a last minute field goal (to win by 3)! I like the underdog. I want to see them not get blown out...
David vs Goliath?

4 days to go until Super Bowl XLII. One team has a perfect 18-0 record this season. The other team started the season with a 0-2 record. Will David have have a prayer or will it be a blow...
Does the underdog have a chance?

NY Giants (10-6) vs. NE Patriots (16-0) 10 days to the Super Bowl. Your prediction? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
NY Giants or GB Packers?

Will it be Eli Manning or Brett Favre? Who will lead his team to the Super Bowl? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The most exciting playoff game?

Which was the most exciting playoff game this weekend? Giants 21-17 CowboysPackers 42-20 SeahawksChargers 28-24 ColtsPatriots 31-20 Jaguars Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Perfection on the line?

The New England Patriots are 15-0 coming into the last game of the season. They need to defeat the NY Giants at the Meadowlands for a chance at history. The Patriots are the heavy favorite to win this game...