Amber Returns to Monaco for Farewell Jubilee EditionThe 20th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Tournament will take place at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort in Monaco, from March 11 to 24, 2011. The tournament is organized by the Association...
The final Amber after 20 years
Amber Returns to Monaco for Farewell Jubilee EditionThe 20th Amber Blindfold and Rapid Tournament will take place at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort in Monaco, from March 11 to 25, 2011. The tournament is organized by the Association...
Kramnik wins overall, Anand wins Rapid at Amber
Round 11 29th March 2007 Blindfold Leko-Radjabov 1/2Carlsen-Van Wely 1/2Svidler-Morozevich 0-1Gelfand-Anand 1/2Aronian-Ivanchuk 1-0Vallejo-Kramnik 1/2 Rapid Radjabov-Leko 0-1Van Wely-Carlsen 0-1Morozevich-Svidler 0-1Anand-Gelfand 1/2Ivanchuk-Aronian 1/2Kramnik-Vallejo 1/2 Final Standings: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2766 15.52. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 13.53. Ivanchuk,...
Radjabov blanks Aronian at Amber
Here are the rapid results of Amber round 10: Leko – Anand 1/2Gelfand – Ivanchuk 1/2Aronian – Radjabov 0-1Svidler – Kramnik 1/2Vallejo Pons – VanWely 1-0Carlsen – Morozevich 1-0 It looks like Kramnik will run away with this event....
Amber Round 10
Round 10 – March 28, 2007 Blind Anand – Leko 1/2Ivanchuk – Gelfand 1/2Radjabov – Aronian 1-0Kramnik – Svidler 1/2VanWely – Vallejo-Pons 1-0Morozevich – Carlsen 1-0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramnik leads Amber by 2 points
Round 9 – March 27, 2007 Blind Carlsen-Kramnik 1/2Svidler-Van Wely 1/2Vallejo-Morozevich 1/2Aronian-Anand 1-0Leko-Ivanchuk 0-1Gelfand-Radjabov 1-0 Rapid Kramnik-Carlsen 1-0Van Wely-Svidler 1-0Morozevich-Vallejo 1-0Anand-Aronian 1-0Ivanchuk-Leko 1/2Radjabov-Gelfand 1/2 Standings after round 9 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2766 13.52-3. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR...
Carlsen held Kramnik to a draw
Kramnik scored 7.5 points in 8 games with wins over Radjabov, VanWely, Morozevich, Anand, Aronian, Leko and Gelfand!! However, the young Norwegian phenom Magnus Carlsen held Kramnik to a draw today. Here is the game: GM Carlsen(B) – GM...
Kramnik’s lead widen
Kramnik is distancing himself from the field by defeating Gelfand 1.5 – .5 in round 8 while Ivanchuk lost to Carlsen .5 – 1.5. Sunday March 25 Round VIII Blind Van Wely-Aronian 0-1Morozevich-Leko 1-0Kramnik-Gelfand 1-0Ivanchuk-Carlsen 1/2-1/2Radjabov-Svidler 0-1Anand-Vallejo 1-0 Rapid...
Amber 2007 Round 8
Here are the matchups of round 8 at Amber: Blind Van Wely-AronianMorozevich-LekoKramnik-GelfandIvanchuk-CarlsenRadjabov-SvidlerAnand-Vallejo Rapid Aronian-Van WelyLeko-MorozevichGelfand-KramnikCarlsen-IvanchukSvidler-RadjabovVallejo-Anand Here are the standings going into round 8: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2766 10.52. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 9.53. Anand, Viswanathan g...
Kramnik extends lead at Amber
Round 7 March 24, 2007 Blindfold Svidler-Anand 1/2Vallejo-Ivanchuk 1/2Carlsen-Radjabov 1/2Leko-Kramnik 0-1Gelfand-Van Wely 1-0Aronian-Morozevich 0-1 Rapid Anand-Svidler 1-0Ivanchuk-Vallejo 1-0Radjabov-Carlsen 1/2Kramnik-Leko 1-0Van Wely-Gelfand 1/2Morozevich-Aronian 1/2 Standings: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2766 10.52. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2750 9.53. Anand, Viswanathan...