Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Odessa chess TV program

This instalment is devoted to the Odessa-Istanbul 2006 cruise rapid tournament, won by Vassily Ivanchuk. A previously unreleased videos are used. By using the video material, provided by journalist Igor Kiselev, the full score of the decisive final round...
Odessa chess TV program, the 8th installment

The guests were Grandmaster Stanislav Savchenko (who, as a member of the Ukrainian team, had won medals at the 1996 and 1998 Olympiads) and his chess-playing children: Kirill (14 years, master candidate) and Arina (6 years, 3rd category). Chess...
Odessa Chess TV program

Odessa Chess TV program by GM Mikhail Golubev The 3rd instalment of the Odessa, Ukraine chess TV program (TRC Krug; December 7; Russian language; the program host is FM Ivan Yurkovskiy) is already available for viewing on Youtube. The main...
Odessa TV program

Odessa, Ukraine chess TV program. The 1st installment by GM Mikhail Golubev Our new chess TV program was on TRC Krug (one of the leading TV channels in the Odessa region, Ukraine) on 23 November 2012. This program (20,5...
6 Georgian players forfeited

European Championship, Plovdivby Misha Golubev There was an incident in Round 6: as many as six Georgian players and one Greek player didn’t appear for their games on time, and were forfeited. They were not aware of changing the...
Online Chess Coach | CGM Mikhail Golubev vs Mircea Parligras – How to be a Chess Grandmaster Interview

Full article with interview on GMikhail Golubev vs Mircea Parligras – How to be a Chess Grandmaster Interview Full article with interview on GMikhail Golubev vs Mircea Parligras – How to be a Chess Grandmaster Interview Follow William for...