White to move. How should white proceed? Portisch – Seirawan 1982 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Congratulations to Lajos Portisch on his 75th Anniversary

Congratulations to Lajos Portisch on his 75th Anniversary 04 April, 2012 GM Lajos PortischFoundation of the Hungarian ChessChairman Dear Mr. Portisch, On behalf of the leadership of the International Chess Federation (FIDE), me personally and millions of your fans...
Practical chess tactic: Checkmate in 8

This was an actual game between Portisch and Seirawan in 1982. It is white to move and checkmate in 8 moves. Can you find it? r3q3/kp1nb1R1/p1p2r2/Q1P2P1p/2B1p1pP/4B1P1/PP3P2/2KR4 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Long Live the Chess King

Long Live the Chess KingPosted: 7/22/11 03:12 PM ET Chess sometimes becomes a beautiful game even in the eyes of those who don’t play it. Find a charming town, bring back its glorious past, turn people into chess pieces,...
Legends at Botvinnik Memorial

Mikhail Botvinnik MemorialSeniors’ tournament on 13-20th August in Suzdal-Vladimir The Russian Chess Federation is organizing a number of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 6th World Champion Mikhail Moiseyevich Botvinnik (17 August 1911 – 5 May 1995)....
2010 Gotth’ Art Cup

The 2010 Gotth’ Art Cup is taking place from February 22 to March 4, 2010 in Szentgotthard, Hungary. Leaders after 4 rounds: 1-4. Portisch, Lajos g HUN 2519 2½ 1-4. Beliavsky, Alexander g SLO 2657 2½ 1-4. Prohaszka, Peter...
Legends in Budapest – A Judit Comeback

Legendary Hungarian GM Lajos Portisch, my sister Judit, and of course the reigning World Champion Vishy Anand in Budapest at the Aquaprofit Press Conference (held at the world famous Hotel Gellert in Budapest) As part of the press conference,...
Excellent results by Portisch and Andersson

The King’s Tournament in Bazna, Romania just concluded on June 4, 2008. Nigel Short easily won the tournament but the legendary Portisch and Andersson both had excellent results. Final Standings: 1. Short, Nigel g ENG 2660 7 2. Portisch,...
Grandmaster tactic

Stein – Portisch (Stockholm – 1962) by Andreas White to move. How should White proceed? r4r1k/2q2ppp/1np1b3/p1b1pNB1/2B1P3/8/PPP1Q1PP/3R1R1K w – – 0 19 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar