The January 2009 edition of the Chess Blog Carnival is now activated. The link is: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
November Carnival of Chess Blog

By Jack LeMoineThe November Carnival of Chess Blogs is now completed. See it at the Chess Discussion Forum. The forum has been growing by leaps and bounds. This team is especially proud of the chess game viewer. Nick...
First blog carnival is up and running

The first ever Carnival is now up and running. The address is: There was a great response – see the comments thereto. It is special that so many chess bloggers sent in their best work. I was particularly impressed...
Blog Carnival

Today 8/31/07 is the last day for blogs to submit a post for inclusion on the first-ever Chess Blog Carnival. Link to submit post is: For further information: The inaugural edition will go up September 1. After that it...
Interview about chess marketing, promotion and PR

Mr. Jack LeMoine recently did an interview with Paul Truong about chess marketing and promotion. It was published here. Below is the interview by Jack: Recently I asked Paul Truong about promoting chess. He is the top chess promoter...