Magnus Carlsen on the FIDE Candidates TournamentInterview by Frederic Friedel Magnus Carlsen: As you know I’m having a break from chess tournaments at the moment. Normally I would go to Amber, but unfortunately this wonderful tradition ended last year....
Campomanes video by Frederic Friedel

Video by Frederic Friedel of ChessBase Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The world class impact of Frederic Friedel of ChessBase

Kramnik, Kasparov helped Anand win world championshipBy: MANISHA MOHITEDate: 2010-05-20Place: Sofia Can over the board rivals, victors and the vanquished, come together for a common cause? Will the former and current World Chess champions discuss, dissect and diagnose possibilities...
Be my own manager, at least for one year

Here is the continuation of the Kramnik interview with ChessBase founder Frederic Friedel. …First of all I already have some serious preparation left from my match with Anand, so I can take, well not totally a year off, but...
Kasparov jumping with joy

Anand deserved the title, says KasparovManisha Mohite Friday, 31 October , 2008, 11:21 The visible and invisible “Seconds’ were both at work, on and off the board, but there was one more invisible power player, the highest ever rated...
Kramnik interview by ChessBase

Interview by Frederic Friedel Let us start with some rote questions: how are you feeling, how is your health, are you in top fighting form? I had some health problems, two or three years ago, as you know. But...
The big wigs at the restaurant

Even before having a chance to go to my room, I joined Mr. Frederic Friedel (founder of ChessBase) and Robert Rice, former Commissioner of the Professional Chess Association, for dinner. He was the man behind the Kasparov – Anand...
Interview with WC Kramnik

Frederic Friedel, founder of ChessBase, did an interview with World Champion Vladimir Kramnik. Click here to read the interview and watch the video clips. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar