Dear Signers, My deepest thanks to the more than 132,000 of you who have stood with us in the fight to save the life of Andrea Sloan. As signatures and comments have poured in from across the globe, we...
Slovenian chess star fighting for her life
Original letter You can use to translate the letter. She needs help from the chess community. The father of the WIM sent a letter asking for help:Dear Sir, I turn to you with a request for a...
Race for her own cure
Amy Bowllan is a good friend of mine. She’s a journalist, with CBS, a board member of the Susan Polgar Foundation, and the one who taught me how to start this blog back in May 2005. Here is her...
A sad ending
I first posted about this not along ago. Here is the conclusion: Girl Dies of Cancer After Dad’s VisitCBS NewsPosted: 2008-03-31 12:50:56 NEW YORK (March 28) — A ten-year-old girl lost her battle with brain cancer early Friday, shortly...