Father’s Day is every day with surfer dad and ‘adventure time’ Father’s Day can be every day because this surfer dad’s wife feels the need to ‘give Papas back their John Wayne meets Father-Knows-Bestness’ and ditch the popular culture...
Problems with blogger
Blogger has been down since yesterday. As soon as it is back up, all posts will be published shortly after that. Thanks for your patience. Best wishes,Susan Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Blogger Error
Blogger has been down since yesterday. It is back working on a limited capacity for now. I will be updating all the news soon. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Blogger went down
Google Blogger went down since late last night. Therefore, I was not able to do any update. I hope that it is back to normal now and I have made a bunch of updates so far. Thanks for your...
Blogging question
This is a general question for all the readers of this blog. Does anyone know how I can modify / delete some of the blog labels? I made some typos with the blog labels and I do not know...
Plea for help from a fellow blogger
I would need help from somebody who has the book “The Complete Grunfeld” by GM Alexei Suetin, published by Batsford in 1991. My original copy had a torn page in it and I did not notice it when i...
Blogger Problem?
I have been trying to make posts but none of the pictures came out in the past few hours. I can see the text but the pictures do not come out. Do any of you have the same problem...
I’m baaaack!
Another painting by my sister Sofia Welcome back!! It took around 23 hours for Google Blogger to switch my blog to a new and improve site. They said my blog was too big and that is why it took...