October edition of the Carnival of Chess Blogs is now up at Samurai Chess. Here is the address:http://samuraichess.wordpress.com/2007/10/13/chess-blog-carnival-ii/ Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
First blog carnival is up and running

The first ever Carnival is now up and running. The address is:http://jacklemoine.blogspot.com/2007/09/chess-blog-carnival-1.html There was a great response – see the comments thereto. It is special that so many chess bloggers sent in their best work. I was particularly impressed...
Blog Carnival

Today 8/31/07 is the last day for blogs to submit a post for inclusion on the first-ever Chess Blog Carnival. Link to submit post is:http://blogcarnival.com/bc/submit_2250.html For further information:http://jacklemoine.blogspot.com/search/label/Blog%20Carnival The inaugural edition will go up September 1. After that it...