Easy, but fun: sack the rook to block the escape square f8, then sack the knight to take away the h8 square (and it doesn’t matter whether black captures the knight or moves the king), and then mate with the bish!
This is an easy one and it seems that there is more than one winning move for white! (same set of moves, but we can change the order of those moves). Let’s see them 1.Rf8+ Bxf8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 (2…Kg8 3.Bd5+ Ne6 4.Bxe6#) 3.hxg6+ Kg8 4.Bd5+ Ne6 5.Bxe6#
White can achieve the same result by playing Ng6+ at the 1st move.
Ng6 is the right sort of idea, but not as the first move. First, white must close the escape hatch of f8 by forcing black to occupy it. This also has the purpose of activating the bishop at h1 to deliver the coup:
1. Rf8 Bf8 2. Ng6 hg6 (Kg8 3.Bd5 Ne6 4.Be6#) 3. hg6 Kg8 4. Bd5 with mate to follow.
1.Rf8+ Bxf8 2.Ng6 hxg 3.hxg+ Kg8 4.Bd5+ Ne6 5.Bxe6+++
Rf8+ followed by Ng6+ wins for white.
1.Rf8+ – The most forcing move!
Rf8+, Bxf8; Ng6+, hxg6; hxg6+, Kg8; Bd5#.
Easy, but fun: sack the rook to block the escape square f8, then sack the knight to take away the h8 square (and it doesn’t matter whether black captures the knight or moves the king), and then mate with the bish!
White wins satrting with Rf8+
This is an easy one and it seems that there is more than one winning move for white! (same set of moves, but we can change the order of those moves). Let’s see them
1.Rf8+ Bxf8
2.Ng6+ hxg6 (2…Kg8 3.Bd5+ Ne6 4.Bxe6#)
3.hxg6+ Kg8
4.Bd5+ Ne6
White can achieve the same result by playing Ng6+ at the 1st move.
1. Ng6 wins.
Sorry Ng6 escape the king
Ng6 is the right sort of idea, but not as the first move. First, white must close the escape hatch of f8 by forcing black to occupy it. This also has the purpose of activating the bishop at h1 to deliver the coup:
1. Rf8 Bf8
2. Ng6 hg6 (Kg8 3.Bd5 Ne6 4.Be6#)
3. hg6 Kg8
4. Bd5 with mate to follow.
NF6+ KG8
BD5 wins
Both 1.Rf8+ and 1.Ng6+ win.
1.Rf8+ Bxf8
2.Ng6+ hxg6
3.hxg6+ Kg8
***White WON
– High skill from MR KO (Malaysian)
1. Rf8+ wins.
Ng6 immediately fails to Kg8 so the key move is
1.Rf7+! which unleashes the seemingly passive light squared bishop into a pivotal attacking role
1… Bxf7 which cuts off a key escape square for the black king
2.Ng6+ hxg6 (Kg8 Bd5 mating)
3.hxg6+ which guards the f7 square
3… Kg8
4.Bd5+ Ne6
A very beautiful co ordination between white’s attacking units.
Rf8 zippity zam
1. Rf8+! Bxf8
2. Ng6+ followed by mate ultimately with Bd5
1. Rf8+, Bxf8
2. Ng6+, hxg6
3. hxg6, Kg8
4. Bd5, Ne6
5. Bxe6#
1 Rf8+ (clearing way for white bishop) Bxf8
2 Ng6+ hxg6 (if 2… Kg8 3 Bd5+ resulting in mate)
3 hxg6+ Kg8
4 Bd5+ Ne6
5 Bxe6#
1.Rf8+!! (clearing the way for the bishop) Bxf8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 (2…Kg8 3.Bd5+ Ne6 4.Bxe6#) 3.hxg6+ Kg8 4.Bd5+ Ne6 5.Bxe6#.
i think, it has to go like this:
1. Rf8+ Bxf8
2. Ng6+ hxg6
3. hxg6+ Kg8
4. Be5+ Nf6
5. Bxf6#
or 2. … Kg8
3. Be5+ Nf6
4. Bxf6#
greets, jan
Rf8 Bf8 Ng6+ with Bd5+ to follow
Sac the Rook to make room for the Bishop
1) Rf8+ Bxf8
2) Ng6+ h7xg6
3) h5xg6+ Kg8
4) Bd5+ Ne6
5) Bxe6++
2) …Kg8
3) Bd5+ Ne6
4) Bxe6++
1.Rf8+ Bxf8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 3.hxg6+ Kg8 4.Bd5+ Ne6 5.Bxe6#.
Rf8+ first than Ng6+
Did he get it right? @ http://thebrownmandiary.blogspot.com
Seems like the only way white can save itself is by attacking
1. Rf8+ Bxf8
2. Ng6+
2. … hxg6
3. hxg6+(Check by Rook) Kg8
4. Bd5+ Checkmate
Or B)
2) … Kg8
3) Bd5+ Checkmate
— HH
1. Rf8+! wins, i.e. 1….Bxf8 2.Ng6+ hxg6 (2…Kf8 3. Bd5+ wins) 3. hxg6+ Kg8 4. Bd5+ wins.
1. Matt in one, Rf8++.
(1) Rf8+ Bxf8
(2) Ng6+
If (2)…. Kg8
(3) Bd5++
If (2) …. hxg6
(3) hXg6+ Kg8
(4) Bd5++
First 1. Rf8 Bf8 2.Ng6 if 2… Kg8 Bd5 # or 2…hg6 3.hg6 Kg8 4.Bd5#
1. Rf8+ Bxf8
2. Ng6+
A) 2. … hxg6
3. hxg6 Kg8
4. Bd5+
B) 2. … Kg8
3. Bd5+
and mate will follow.
Nice, however not too complicated:
Rf8+! Bxf8
Ng6+ hxg6
hxg6+ Kg8
Bd5+ Ne6
Bxe6 checkmate 🙂
This is a nice puzzle.
Must check with f-rook first to make way for the bishop later. Second move is Ng6+.
Anonymous Laughertee was so excited cause he wants to move his horsey. Hold on, you have to wait Mr. Evil.