Communities in Schools, in collaboration with Estacado High School, Dunbar College Preparatory Academy, the Lubbock Chess Club, and the TTU Knight Raiders are proud to present:
Stay Cool With Chess #1
Summer Open Tournament Series
June 23, 2012
Mark your calendars for the second tournament in the series to be held on July 28th!
Event Site: Dunbar College Preparatory Academy (In the Library) 2010 E. 26th St, Lubbock, TX, 79404
4SS G/45. Games are played in two sections: Rated and Unrated. Players must be members of the United States Chess Federation to compete in the rated divisions (may join at There are 4 rounds in the tournament, and there is a total of 45 minutes maximum per player per game with a 5 second delay.
On-site registration and check in 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. All players must check in by 10:00 a.m. Later arrival will receive a ½ point bye for the first round.
Schedule: Round 1 at 10:15 a.m., rest to follow ASAP, with brief breaks between rounds and a 45 minute lunch break. Concession stand with pizza, snacks, and drinks available for sale on site. One ½ point bye available if desired—see below. Tournament expected to finish by 6 p.m.
Entry Fees: $10 by 6/18; $15 by 6/22; $20 on site—if room is available.
Prizes: Rated Division: 60% of gross section entry fees returned as cash prizes, number of prizes awarded based on number of entries in the section.
Unrated Division: one of a kind prize for first place (made by local artist, Jon Whitfill).
Chess boards and sets will be provided. Bring a chess clock if you have one.
Send Entry form for 6/23 tourney to: Communities in Schools, c/o Tim Doty, 1655 Main Street, Suite 201, Lubbock, TX 79401. Make checks to “Lubbock Chess Club.” Send questions to or call at 405-830-2775 (b/w hours of 10 AM and 8 PM).
Name:__________________________________ Phone #:______________________
USCF ID# (if any): _________________________ Amount enclosed (no cash)_________
Division (circle one): Open Rated Open Unrated Bye for Round (circle if desired) 1 2 3 4
I am happy they continue with chess.