My first look went to playing Bf1 but only for a very short time. 🙂 In a real game I would for sure have played was the first published post proposes: Rxb6/Rxd6. That was my second look but knowing there was more I found more.
The thing which should make one curious is the position of the black queen. That is something you have to see in a real game if you want to play tactically (and successful) here. I’m sure I would not have noticed…
1. Qc1! and the threat 2. Rc3 is very strong. Not even 1. -, Nf6? will help as 2. Rc3 defends e3 a second time (Ng4+ 3. Kg1 +-). Black may try to give his bishop but the end game should be hopeless.
1. -, Bc4!? 2. Rxc4, Nf6 (any other move allows 3. Bf1 winning the queen (hey, not mate now 🙂 )) 3. Bh3 (seems to be the securest move not letting the knight in) followed by 4. Qc2 trading queens.
Can black play anything stronger? Can white even win the queen after 1. -, Bc4!?
1. Qc1 and Bf1
Rxb6 then Rxd6. White wins this endgame.
1.Qc1 and 2.Rc3 or 2.Bf1 depending on blacks movement wins
What about trying to trap the Queen with Qc1 followed by Rc3?
My first look went to playing Bf1 but only for a very short time. 🙂
In a real game I would for sure have played was the first published post proposes: Rxb6/Rxd6. That was my second look but knowing there was more I found more.
The thing which should make one curious is the position of the black queen. That is something you have to see in a real game if you want to play tactically (and successful) here. I’m sure I would not have noticed…
1. Qc1! and the threat 2. Rc3 is very strong. Not even 1. -, Nf6? will help as 2. Rc3 defends e3 a second time (Ng4+ 3. Kg1 +-).
Black may try to give his bishop but the end game should be hopeless.
1. -, Bc4!? 2. Rxc4, Nf6 (any other move allows 3. Bf1 winning the queen (hey, not mate now 🙂 )) 3. Bh3 (seems to be the securest move not letting the knight in) followed by 4. Qc2 trading queens.
Can black play anything stronger? Can white even win the queen after 1. -, Bc4!?
I don’t know. 🙂
Best wishes
Qc1 trying to trap the queen. if Bb7, Bf1.
1. Qc1 Nf6