Rookie Rumble II – Rated Beginner Open
Saturday, February 23, 2008
McGillis School Multipurpose Room
668 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT
5 round Swiss, G/30 with 5-delay
All K-12 Youth and U1200/Unrated Adults Welcome!
EF $10 by Feb 13
EF $15 for late/onsite registration.
Trophies will be ordered based on registrations as of February 13. Early registration allows for more trophies!!!
Check-in 9:00 – 9:30 am. Round 1 at 10:00 am, other rounds to follow as closely as possible after. Late registrants may have to take ½ pt by in 1st round. Awards should be given out no later than 3:15 pm.
USCF membership is required, and you will get a $2 discount on all new/renewal memberships purchased with this registration.
The tournament will be in 4 sections:
U-1200 (or unrated 7th grade – adult), U-800 (or unrated 4th – 6th grade),
U-400 (or unrated K – 3rd grade), and K-12 Open (all ratings K-12 ONLY)
In all but open, trophies will be awarded for 1st – 4th place in each section, plus top U1100, U1000, U900, U700, U600, U500, U300, U200. Additional trophies/medals will be awarded based on pre-registration numbers.
K-12 Open Prizes (b/12) – 1st – $40, 2nd – $30, two class prizes based on registrations – $20 each.
Participation prizes for all players not earning trophies/medals (generously donated by the Susan Polgar Foundation
Swiss pairings – no eliminations. 2 half-point byes allowed if requested with registration.
Chess sets provided. Bring a chess clock if you have one. Any game not completed in 50 minutes will have a clock placed on the game with 5 minutes for each side.
For more information, or to register, see
This is a good first tournament for all ages. Last year, we had more than 30 new USCF members, including a handful of new adults.
SLK is one of my all time favorite place. Hope they’ll be more tournaments there.
In 2007, there were over 60 players who participated. The lady who runs it, Brenda Ahlemann, has done a great job of directing events in SLC and usually has her tournaments rated that same evening. I am an adult who hopes to do better against the kids this time !!!