Senator Hillary Clinton’s new proposal:
“This has been a very hard fought race. We clearly need to do something so that our party and our people can make the right decision. So, I have a proposal. Today, I am challenging Senator Obama to a bowl-off. A bowling night. Right here in Pennsylvania. The winner take all. I’ll even spot him two frames. It is time for his campaign to get out of the gutter and allow all the pins to be counted. I’m prepared to play this game all the way to the tenth frame. When this game is over, the American people will know that when that phone rings at 3 a.m., they’ll have a president ready to bowl on day one. Let’s strike a deal and go bowling for delegates. We don’t have a moment to spare…”
I think this is Susans favorite Holiday.
Mike Magnan
Yeah Obama throws nothing but gutter balls hahahaha!!! What an athlete LOL
She sounds desperate…
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Funny … or just stupid.
Obama is more interested in delegate than pin count.
Obama is a fast talking lawyer who’s pal is criminal Tony Rezko. He cant even get his church priorities in order and he’s going to bring together people of all races and Democrats and Republicans good luck LOL! Hillary Clinton went to Yale just as President Clinton did, and she got higher grades than Bill a Rhodes scholar! I think America was doing just fine with Bill as Commander In Chief. He created many new jobs had a thriving economy and left the the country with a huge cash surplus for Bush to burn in Iraq. Obama at university probably had a grading curve hahaha!! What a joke, the biggest con job oh the last 100 years!!
Bowling for idiots!
Vote Ron Paul!
it is the only way she stands a chance
What idiot moron would try to show hes the man of the people, aka the average joe, then go bowling and roll a 37 total pin count? HAHAHA!!!!!!! Hmm lets see who could beat a 37 score? A hyperactive 5 year old could. A downs syndrome patient could. A wimp like Pee Wee herman could. A blind man could, and a brain dead patient on life support could. LOL!!! What an absurd PR move by Obama’s campaign manager to have his candidate bowl, when he obviously never bowled a game in his life!