This picture was taken this weekend when I visited Florida
The Russian men are tied for third behind Armenia and Holland. The Russian women are in first place by merely 1/2 point ahead of Ukraine as we are entering the half way point. The Slovak, US, India, Bulgaria, and Romania are within striking distance.
On the women’s side, the Kosintseva sisters and Kovalevskaya have been carrying the Russian team. Lahno has been carrying Ukraine. Pokorna has been carrying Slovakia. Krush has been the star of the US team. Corina Peptan has been the anchor of the Romanian team. Humpy has been the star of India. Stefanova and Voiska have been the foundation for Bulgaria.
On the men’s side, Aronian, Akopian and Sargissian have been the foundation for Armenia. Van Wely and Nijboer have been the co-MVP for Holland. Kramnik, Svidler, Grischuk and Bareev have been most spectacular for Russia. Zhigalko is 5-0 for Belarus. Karjakin has been the star for Ukraine. Kamsky and Onischuk are both performing over 2700 for the US.
In order to win the Olympiad, someone in the team has to step up. Look for some of the names above to continue the hot streak.
What is your prediction? Which countries will capture the Gold, Silver and Bronze in both Olympiads? Can the Russian capture the double Gold since they outrate others by more than 50 points?
Nice tan Susan you look very healthy and as always very beautiful! ; )
Can’t wait for Kramnik versus Kamsky, the rematch! I think Kramnik will be tempted to blow Kamsky right out of the water for revenge, and to send a message to Topalov that he can demolish Kamsky too! I predict a 4-0 sweep of Sweden for the US! I predict a 4-0 sweep of Belarus by Russia!
This is very tought to predict since so many teams are in the running with so many more tough rounds to go. Both Teams USA could win medals!!!!
“The Slovak, US, India, Bulgaria, and Romania are within striking distance.”
Let’s strike the Russians! Go USA!!
“Can the Russian capture the double Gold since they outrate others by more than 50 points?”
Yes they can. As this blog has proven, points are not important, because the elo does not represent the players strength at all any more.
“Nice tan Susan you look very healthy and as always very beautiful! ; )”
Keep your private comments to yourself and stick to chess blogging.
^^^^ Jealous?
psst: [nice tan Susam. you look like you are having a great time!]
Nakamura Hikaru
“^^^^ Jealous?”
“the elo does not represent the players strength at all any more.”
In tennis, if you don’t play, you lose elo. In chess, nothing happens.
Why is Anna playing board 1 for US (w), when Irina has a higher chess title? Does our captain think elo (a few points only) is more important than a title? I think an injustice has been done to Irina. It is so much more difficult to get an IM title than a WGM.
I think Americans chessers have no idea how to cheer for their chess teams in Italy. This sport is not basketball.
Go USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anna Zatonskih is an IM, just like Irina Krush. FIDE made a mistake on their site. In addition, Anna’s USCF rating is 2500 which is much higher than Irina. Anna also has higher average rating (USCF + FIDE / 2).
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Exactly! Someone needs to carry Alexandra Kosteniuk. She lost a game, more training and less partying and that would never happen.
Speaking of FIDE mistakes it lists women who are GMs as “woman grandmaster” such as yourself and Judit. Why do they list it this way?
Check this out:
Puzzles from critical positions from the games of Susan Polgar
has the info all confused, together with
very confusing….
Can someone from USCF explain this?
A woman in chess really doesn’t know if she is a man or a woman sometimes.