Oldies chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What’s the best continuation for White? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
4d to 6c
1. Nc6 Qc7
2. Qxe6+! fxe6
3. Bg6#
Nxe6 fxe6
Qxe6 Qe7
Best from Hungary
the best continuation is probably this crazy combination:
1. Qxe6+ fxe6
2. Bg6+ Ke7
3. Nc6+ Kd6
4. Nxd8 threatening Nf7+
greets, jan
Nc6 then Qxe6
Nc6 then Qxe6
1.Nd6 winning the queen… if the queen moves, then 2.Qxe6 and 3.Bg6#
1. Nc6 !
Erik Fokke
1. Nc6 Qanywhere
2. Qxe6+ fxe6
3. Bg6#
1nc6 q any 2qxp+ pxq 3bf6+ mate
1nc6 q any 2qxp+ pxq 3bg6+ mate
1. Nc6 threatening the queen and 2. Qxe6+ fxe6 3. Bg6#
1. Bg6!