Many people asked me about my personal expectation for this super Mayor’s Cup Invitational. To be honest, I have no expectation what so ever. It is hard to play in a tournament where I am 100 points lower than the next lowest rated player. On top of that, I am the organizer so I have many of those organizational headaches to deal with. I am also a full time Mom so not much time to prepare. Maybe I still remember how the horsie moves 🙂
I play with the attitude of doing something great for chess in America and especially in NY. Win, lose or draw, I will have a blast. I will have an ever bigger blast if I manage to win a few games 🙂 Don’t worry, be happy and enjoy many of the exciting games. I certainly will!
Thank you to everyone for your support!
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The 25 5 time format does not say much about the chess skill anyway. It is more like who is the best rapid player.
I hope in the future they have games with at least 90 minutes per game.
But I think it is great they have such an event with stringent dress code etc. and great players in one place.
>Maybe I still remember how the horsie moves 🙂
LOL! What the “L” ?
Susan: THANX a LOT for making this tournament happen. With these strong players, even 25 + 5 seconds will produce some exciting games. I saw Susan playing at the US G/10 Championship in Las Vegas last week and she was amazing and so were the Grandmaster at how fast and well they play. We all enjoyed watching them play and for the most part they are a merit to chess. Susan is extraordinary in our chess community. Meeting her in person at last I come away breathless at what a class act, dignified person she is and how she tirelessly works to promote chess. It was an honour to hold her to a draw in the simul as I watched her trap my neighbor’s queen and my opponent next to me she checkmated with a briliant queen sac and mated with just two Knights and Bishop delivering the blow. I can’t wait to view the games and I hope they all play some beautiful moves for us to study but am rooting for Gata Kamsky to win, but with this amazing tough group of GM’s, it will be interesting who actually wins it but there is my pick.
I hope I can watch this on ICC live sunday and monday. but I dont see it listed on ICC right now. what time does it start. I sure hope I can watch.
We are all rooting for you to score a couple victories. I think Oprah would phrase it “You go Girl!”
It amazes me how accurate the Elo ratings are. Indeed a 2600 will usually defeat a 2500. Up in such high Elo numbers, 100 points does not seem like a big difference, but it is.
Susan, Do you get nervous when the game reaches a crucial point. If yes, do you hide that nervousness, or could those who know you spot it?
It is true that in 25 minute rapid chess you get less nervous?
The +5 seconds seems too small. I would think +10 at a minumum would give players more confidence, without affecting the schedule.
Gene Milener
Susan, no excuses and no pessimism. You are a World Champion, not a Vice Champion. So you go there to WIN every game!
You embark upon a wondrous journey,
A voyage through life’s possiilities and uncertainties,
You fearlessly shoulder responsibilities others shrink from,
Boldly go forth upon your mighty legs,
Leading the chess community into uncharted territory,
Territory wrought with confusion, sniping, and unfairness,
Carrying the day with dignity, grace, guile, honor, reason, wisdom, and truth.
Leading chess to a brighter, better future!