I would try to divert the black queen from covering e8 so that I could play Qe8 with mate. So, this suggests Bg7, though that particular pretty mate is not going to happen:
1. Bg7 Kg8 (Qg7 2.Qe8#) 2. Bf6
I did try Bh6 first, but that is a losing move after the black king plays to h8. Continuing:
2. …..Kf8 3. Qh6 with either Qh8# or Qg7# on the next white move.
1. Bxg7+ Kg8 (Qxg7, 2. Qe8#)
2. Bf6+ Kf8 (Qg7, 3. Qxg7#)
3. Qh6+ Kg8 (Qg7, 4. Qxg7#)
4. Qh8#
greets, jan
1. Bxg7+ Kg8 (Qxg7 2. Qe8++)
2. Be5+ Kf8 (Qg7 3. Qxg7++)
3. Qxh6+ Kg8 (Qg7 4. Qxg7++)
4. Qh8++
Feels so nice to be able to solve this one after missing out on the last 2 or 3 puzzles.
Bxg7+ and it is finished for Blacks
Yancey Ward
pages of trivial analysis to follow
1. Bxg7+ Qxg7
[1… Kg8 2. Bf6+ Kf8 3. Qxh6+ Kg8 4. Qh8#]
2. Qe8#
1. Bxg7+ Kg8 [1. … Qxg7 2. Qe8#]
2. Bf6+ Kf8 [2. … Qg7 3. Qxg7#]
3. Qxh6+ Kg8 [3. … Qg7 4. Qxg7#]
4. Qh8#
I would try to divert the black queen from covering e8 so that I could play Qe8 with mate. So, this suggests Bg7, though that particular pretty mate is not going to happen:
1. Bg7 Kg8 (Qg7 2.Qe8#)
2. Bf6
I did try Bh6 first, but that is a losing move after the black king plays to h8. Continuing:
2. …..Kf8
3. Qh6 with either Qh8# or Qg7# on the next white move.
why would anyone not think of b:g7/ Am I wrong here..
1. Bxg7+ (a) QxB
2. Qe8#
1. … (b) Kg8
2. Bxh6+ Qg7
3. QxQ#
I can’t find anything faster than mate in 4, unless Black cooperates.
1. Bxg7+ Kg8
1. … Qxg7; 2. Qe8 mate
2. Ba1+ Kf8
2. … Qg7; 3. Qxg7 mate
3. Qxh6+ and now either
3. … Qg7; 4. Qxg7 mate
3. … Kg8; 4. Qh8 mate
Maybe 1.Bxg7+ if 1… Qxg7 then 2. Qe8#.
1.BxP+ Kg8
2.Bf6+ Kf8
3.Qh6+ Kf8
4.Qf8+ Kf7
1.BxP+ Kg8
2.Bf6+ Kf8
3.Qh6+ Kf8
4.Qf8+ Kf7
Cute one.
1. Bxg7+! Kg8
2. Bf6+ Kf8
3. Qxh6+! and forced mate.
Easy, peasy. 1. Bxg7+ Qxg7 2. Qe8#
1. BxG7+ KG8 (If … QxB 2. Q-E8#)
2. BF6 Discovered Mate
1. Ba1xg7+ Qe7xg7
2. Qg6-e8#
1. Bg7 Kg8 2.Bf6++
1.Bxg7+ Qxg7
1.Bxg7+ Kg8
2.Bf6+ Kf8
3.Qh6+ Kg8
Now that “Lucimarie” has come back we can expect lot of witty comments again.