…Rxg2 looks right. The King can’t take because …Qxh3+ will mate, so Rxg2 is the only move. Then after Qxh3, the rook is lost, and if the Queen retreats to defend the rook, then …Bxf3 next will put a third piece on the pinned rook, which can’t be defended again, so black gets the rook back with 3 pawns interest.
1…. Rxg2
2.Rxg2 Qxh3 threatening Bxf3 or Rg6 to take the rook. White king cannot move away because White will lose a rook followed by a mate.
Rg6 is a better choice because there is an unpreventable mate coming up.
If 3.Ke1, White can lose a queen and a rook.
…Rxg2 may be decisive.
Rxg2, and the hilarity ensues.
…Rxg2 looks right. The King can’t take because …Qxh3+ will mate, so Rxg2 is the only move. Then after Qxh3, the rook is lost, and if the Queen retreats to defend the rook, then …Bxf3 next will put a third piece on the pinned rook, which can’t be defended again, so black gets the rook back with 3 pawns interest.
Rxg2 RxR(KxR is followed by mate
Qxh3 followed by Bxf3 wins
Rxg2 RxR(KxR is followed by mate
Qxh3 followed by Bxf3 wins
R:g2 followed by Q:h3 and B:f3.
R:g2 followed by Q:h3 and B:f3.
Larsen’s a genius.
1…Rxg2 2.Rxg2
[2.Kxg2 Qxh3+ 3.Kg1 Qh1#]
2…Qxh3 3.Kg1
[3.Kf2 Qxf3+ -+]
Bxf3 4.Rc2 Qh1+ 5.Kf2 Qg2+ 6.Ke1 Rh1+ -+