Purim is a Jewish holiday (the happiest of them all) commemorating when Esther and Mordecai saved the Jews from destruction.
In itself ‘Purim’ means ‘lots’ symbolic of when lots were drawn to decide the day to desruct the jews by Haman, Prime Minister of the Persian Empire.
The customs of the holiday are: 1). Read the ‘Megilah’ (biblical book of Esther…and usually noise is made when Haman’s name is mentioned to eridicate his evil name), 2).Give charitably to at least 2 causes, 3).Give food parcels to the needy and to friends, 4). Feast.
There is a lot more to it, further information can be found at http://www.chabad.org.
Lots of ham for me today.
happy easter susan to u n ur entire family
What is Purim?
Purim is a Jewish holiday (the happiest of them all) commemorating when Esther and Mordecai saved the Jews from destruction.
In itself ‘Purim’ means ‘lots’ symbolic of when lots were drawn to decide the day to desruct the jews by Haman, Prime Minister of the Persian Empire.
The customs of the holiday are: 1). Read the ‘Megilah’ (biblical book of Esther…and usually noise is made when Haman’s name is mentioned to eridicate his evil name), 2).Give charitably to at least 2 causes, 3).Give food parcels to the needy and to friends, 4). Feast.
There is a lot more to it, further information can be found at http://www.chabad.org.
Happy Easter and Purim all.
Thanks for the information knowledgable “Anon” 😉
Happy Easter and Purim!
LaYehudim haisah orah ve-simchah ve-sasson ve-kar!