Did you watch Senator Hillary Clinton’s speech last night at the Democratic Convention? If you did, what do you think? How would you rate her performance?
1. Great
2. Good
3. So so
4. Not good
Did Senator Obama make a mistake by not picking Senator Clinton as his running mate?
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Clinton SHONE – the star of the Democrats – Obama was foolish to not chose her. His ticket looks to close to OsAMA BIn laDEN!!!
With Billy boy skipping the acceptance speech there are still hard feelings within the party. Obama should have taken care of Hillary’s debt after the primaries.
Osama’s pick of Biden as his VP was clear cut he is politics as usual. This blew his whole platform of getting a NEW face of the dollar bill.
McCAIN ’08 —> HILLARY ’12
That was a bonehead move by Obama. He should have picked Clinton.
Disagree entirely. If Obama and Hillary believed even half of what they said during their debates against each other, then they are absolutely incompatible as running mates.
And if they didn’t believe half of what they said, then they’re bald-faced liars and don’t deserve to win anyway.
Obama is the future of this nation not Hilary! Only Obama has the wisdom to steer this nation unlike the politics as usual Hilary or God forbid McCain. Hilary is trying to get in the way of Obama and she was crushed like the hollow creature she is. The only reason anyone likes Hilary is because she is a woman, not for her complete lack of experience in national politics. People believe that just because she slept with Bill Clinton she has some right to be President, using that logic will they nominate Monica Lewinski next? Obama’s stands by his record. Poor boy who rose to the Senate, passing more ground breaking legislation than anyone. His plans for the future are clear and brilliant. Only with Obama in the White House will this country be saved from the disasterous future put in motion by George Bush. With Obama there will be change and hope. He is the greatest politician in the last 500 years, maybe better than Julius Ceasar. A vote for him will be a vote for history.
Only blah blah blah…as all these politicians
I don’t care who you are. I have a serious problem with electing someone who had only 143 days of political experience as a U.S. Senator, and then announced he is running for President. 143 DAYS! Experience counts. Actions speak louder than words. This is the Emperor’s Clothes. The whole world is infatuated with this guy and nobody can see the truth. Compare the facts on paper and nobody in their right mind would ever entertain the thought of voting for him.
Why didn’t Hillary tell us how she made a killing on pork belly futures? Her knowledge of pork is second to none.
Obama should have chosen Edwards. He represents Democrats better than anyone else, and I’m sure Bill Clinton would have supported him…
who cares
Obama had a position in which he had a clear win by picking Hillary, but he found a move that was and is still unclear in Biden.
He was not motivated to win out right but felt/feels he can win without her.
If I were Obama, I would have taken Hillary and ensure the win first, then figure out how to work with her later.
Now the game goes on. It may be = or +/- right now, but it will likely be 1-0 in the privacy of the voting boot.
Hmm… I am wondering if it’s his judgement or arragance made him choosing this variation.
Anyone who thinks the members of the women’s movement is going to let this one pass is out of touch with reality. To the contrary, women are a majority in this country. Every woman, from the femme nazis to the pacifists, are poised to make their vote speak volumes to a party that has lost its way due to an idealistic leadership that still adheres to utopian principles. This is a country of super agressive individuals and corporations with AGENDAS.
Over the next two days the women’s movement and their delegates at the Democratic Convention will at the very least splinter the Democratic Platform.
There could be another reason Obama didn’t pick Clinton. Those who stand in the way of the Clintons (at least used to) die mysterious deaths. Too many to consider some of them coincidence. Now, before anyone would scream: “you are a crazy conspiracy believer”, due to circumstances which would be too long to describe, I had the dubious opportunity to talk personally to some characters, one former Arkansas Supreme Court Justice included, who kind of backed up some of these weird accusations.
Is it true? Is it not true? Well….if I were Obama, I sure wouldn’t care to find out on my own skin, if you all know what I mean.
And as we all know, the VP is one heartbeat away from being the President.
Obama is absolutely startved for experience, and more importantly, accomplishments.
For those who feel instead of think this is no problem.
Hillary was by far the superior choice for Demo candidate.
I would give her an A but not an A+, and certainly not the “is there a grade above A+?” reaction by a gushing CNN.com analyst—now I can’t find the link.
Hillary gets the A for her “Were you in it just for me?” lines, which were forthright and masterfully prepared—and the full 40 seconds of them made it into sound bites. And her delivery of the lines supporting Obama was powerful. I disagree with this item—I think Hillary went well beyond being perfunctory.
To earn my A+, though, she should have started with the obvious: repeat the “I’m Hillary Clinton, and I don’t approve this message!” line from the weekend about John McCain’s ads. Then say that both sides ran a tough campaign, and one should expect no less than such toughness from a President. Then add how well Obama kept his head, and how well organized his people were, qualities that are also important in a President and have been so obviously lacking from the second Bush term. She could end with, “I meant what I said in January and aired in March, because it was important to put the question toughly—but now it is August and I am much reassured about the personal qualities Barack Obama will bring to the nation’s highest office.”
It may be that strategists thought that kind of reference could be riskier than not saying anything, but if so, I’d say it was a mistake comparable to Obama’s making the hijab-garbed women who were front-and-center at one of his June TV appearances move. What the Democrats need most is forthrightness.
And their attacks need to be less wimpy—sorry, “No way, no how, no McCain!” is aimless minor-league stuff, wait until next week for the GOP level! Google McCain + “behind the times” in quotes. You get: nada! That’s a perfect line to express a truth (e.g. what he says about the economy, and his lack of e-communication knowledge) and play on his age indirectly. You could even attach it to my snippet above: “For McCain to be running those ads—my ads!—in August just shows how he is behind the times.”
As for whether Obama should have picked Hillary, I know some highly intelligent lifelong Democrats who feel the bitterness and are saying McCain—still in August, not June. But I don’t think having Hillary as VP would have requited their feelings—and I don’t think Hillary as VP would work, either.
Joe Biden was excellent. OK that was definitely different from someone I heard 30 years ago trying to talk “wonkish” to college kids.
One polemic point: He charged “Washington” with not doing anything to help people up, and stopped there. Half of this country, however, believes that helping people up is not Washington’s business—it’s their own business. The correct point to establish is that the current Administration has been doing things to keep people down, followed by examples. The Democrats need to connect economic/social values to moral values—and the prime connection is economic fair play. The ingredients were there in Biden’s speech—and a PBS TV panelist picked up the effort to reach what he termed “values voters”—but if Debate Club ever makes the Olympics I would deduct two-tenths on “connection between the elements.”
The first commenter here is on my wavelength about clever attacks: perhaps make that “Obama Sin Biden” (they’re lucky “sin” means “without” rater than “with” in Spanish, else it would be perfect). What is “No McCain” meant to call up, Novocaine? Biden also rang too many “change”s. “McSame” is good, as is “That’s not change, it’s more of the same!”, but can we add something to “change” as the theme—?
Possible gaffe lines were caught by both Biden and Obama before they emerged fully. And never mind my gaffe fear about Biden, Obama (introducing Biden as “the next President”, saying he was “with a St. Louis family” while in Kansas City, the “57 states” link posted by a commenter here) needs no help in that category =:-0!
“Why didn’t Hillary tell us how she made a killing on pork belly futures? Her knowledge of pork is second to none.”
She likes pork? I thought she liked eating out at the “Y”.
“Did Senator Obama make a mistake by not picking Senator Clinton as his running mate?”
Heck no. He was correct to not select a Clinton as a VP. He knows them Clintons like to kill black men. Just ask Ron Brown. Oh yeah, he can’t speak because he was found dead with two bullet holes in his head in a PLANE CRASH.
Why Hit Ron Brown?
Ron Brown was, by all accounts, just a charming fellow working very hard to promote U.S. business. Why would anyone want to kill him? And who would have the resources to do it by bringing down a large White House airplane?
The answer, in brief, is that Ron Brown was going to prison and had threatened to bring Bill Clinton down with him. He was up to his neck in numerous major scandals: Whitewater, the Denver airport mess, Mena, the Keating Five, Lillian Madsen and her Haitian prostitutes, etc.
Twenty-two Congressmen wrote Clinton in February of 1995 demanding that he fire Brown. At the time of his murder, Brown was under investigation by: a special prosecutor in the Justice Department; the FDIC; the Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; the FBI; the Energy Department; the Senate Judiciary Committee; and even his own Commerce Department Inspector General.
Involved in over a dozen major scandals, Brown was, among other things, Clinton’s point man to bring Iranian Muslims and their weaponry into the Bosnia war. That broke the U.S.-endorsed arms embargo. The money for the arms was most likely from Commerce and Agriculture-slush fund money channeled to U.S. manufacturers, thence to U.S. friendly nations and firms overseas, thence to Iran.
The arms included heli-copter gun-ships, stinger missiles,[4] land mines, anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank weapons, grenade launchers, and other quality weaponry.
The last nail in Brown’s coffin was pounded four days before the crash. The FBI and the IRS subpoenaed as many as 20 witnesses for a serious new grand jury probe of Brown in Washington.[5] The February 8, 1996 Washington Post reported that Brown had retained top legal gun Reid Weingarten, a former high official in the Justice Department, as his criminal attorney. You don’t pay his prices ($750 an hour) unless you know a criminal indictment is coming and you’re probably going to jail.
Janet Reno appointed Daniel Pearson as Brown’s special prosecutor.[6] When she gave him blanket permission to investigate anything, Brown angrily demanded that Clinton force her to withdraw Pearson. But Reno couldn’t do that; she had been backed into a corner by Representative William F. Clinger, Jr., who is chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, and who had possession of incriminating documents on Brown.
According to confidants who insist on anonymity, when Clinton indicatedhe couldn’t comply, Brown went ballistic. His fatal mistake was telling Clinton that he wasn’t going to take the rap. He was going to finger Bill and Hillary instead.
From that point on, Brown was a dead man walking. Like Vincent Foster before him, Brown knew too much. More than any man in Washington, he knew where all the money went for the payoffs, bribes, scams, money laundering, cover-ups, participation fees, hush money and side deals_all the way from one-man operations to vast multinational trade treaty deals.
The phoney suicide fake-out used on Foster could not be repeated, of course. But an airplane “whack” is always viewed as an accident. This was not the rag-tag “Arkansas Mafia” that followed Clinton to Washington. This was the muscle squad of the establishment.
Is it possible that 34 innocent Americans were murdered to silence Commerce Secretary Ron Brown? Was this another in a series of cover-ups spanning 13 years and involving our current President?
This article was excerpted from a letter from Nicholas A. Guarino with confirmation by James W. Nugent, the Publisher of Wall Street Underground. The full report also includes details of the 56 Clinton dead: the unknown and deadly side of the Whitewater Scandal. You can obtain a complete report by contacting the address below and then form your own conclusions. You may also want to review the following video documentaries:
The Clinton Chronicles (now also in book form)
The Mena Connection: Drugs, Money Laundering, and the Making of a President
Obstruction of Justice
These are all available from the producers at (800) 828-2290.
Isn’t politics for underachievers?
Being a Republican myself I think her speech said two things. 1. See me in 2012 and 2. Nothing in her speech noted any of Obama’s accomplishments or experience for the position of President.
Although Obama did make a “sound” choice for VP in picking Biden he himself erred again as he picked a political insider who has worked the system for the past 30+ years. So in saying that his whole message of “Hope and Change” is out the door.
Picking Clinton would have been a stronger pick as it would have secured the 18 million votes she gathered from the primary. By not vetting her, he should expect to lose anywhere from 10%-20% of that voting block, especially since alot of democrats still are uneasy with his experience which there is none.
So in short, I think it’ll be a tough race for Obama and a slightly easier one for McCain.
“Isn’t politics for underachievers?”
Yes, the brightest minds always go into medicine, law, and business. Then the worst in law becaome the best in politics.