Did GM Akobian resign in a drawn position in his game against Friedel? Assuming the Monroi site was correct, in the final position I and a few guys at the PlayChess server could not find a win for white. I even took the black side against Shredder 9 and drew easily.
I like Akobian style very much.
Did GM Akobian resign in a drawn position in his game against Friedel? Assuming the Monroi site was correct, in the final position I and a few guys at the PlayChess server could not find a win for white. I even took the black side against Shredder 9 and drew easily.
Some variations:
After 80.Ke6 (Monroi gives 1-0 now) 80…Bc3 81.Be8 (81.Kf7 Kh6 82.f6 Kg5 83.Be4 Kxh5 84.Ke7 Kh6 85.f7 Bb4+ 86.Ke8 Kg7=) 81…Bb2 82.h6 (82.f6 Bxf6 83.h6 Bb2 84.h7 Kh6=) 82…Kxh6 83.f6 Kg5 84.f7 Ba3=
Perhaps he missed this last move? He did have only one minute left according to Monroi site, so maybe he even lost on time?
NM Seth Homa
Yes , Akobian is a distinguishable man and chess player. He is deep.
Great photo. It is so important to see your heroes from time to time in photos, live. It is exciting.