Fun chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed? 1k6/1p3r1q/p4Q2/P3p1B1/K3b3/8/5b2/2R5 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Rc8+ Ka7 2. Qb6 Bxb6 3. axb6+ Kxb6 4. Be3# seems the thing to do.
Rc8+ Ka7
Qb6+ Bxb6
ab+ Kxb6
Rc8+ Kxc8
1. Rc8+ Ka7
2. Qb6+ Bxb6
3. axb6+ KxB6
4. Be3++
1.Rc8+ Ka7 (else 2.Qd8#)
2.Qb6+ Bxb6
3.axb6+ Kxb6
1) Rc8; Ka7
2) Qb6; B:b6
3) a:b6; K:b6
4) Be3 #
Good one 🙂
1. Rc8+ Ka7
2. Qb6+ Bxb6
3. axb6+ Kxb6
4. Be3#
Really fun, Rc8 check wins the house, it took me 1 minute, if
Ka7 Qb6!! Bxb6 axb6 Kxb6 Be3#
1. Rc8+ Ka8 (1…K:c8 2. Qd8#) 2. Qb6+ B:b6 3. ab K:b6 4. Be3#
1.Qd8+ Ka7
2.Qb6+ (Ka8 3.Rc8#, Kb8 3.Rc8+ Kxc8 4.Qd8#)
.. Bxb6
3.axb6+ (Ka8 4.Rc#, Kb8 what now?)
.. Kxb6
Rc8+ Kxc8 Qd8#
Rc8+ Ka7 Qb6#
isn’t it too easy?!
1. Rc8+, Ka7
2. Qb6++
1. Rc8 Ka7
2. Qb6 Bxb6
3. axb Kxb6
4. Be3 #
1.Rc8+ Ka7 (if KxRc8 2.Qd8 checkmate) 2.Qb6+ BxQb6 3.axBb6+ Kxb6 4. Be3 checkmate
First I tried 1.Rc8+ Ka7 (if 1…Kxc8 2.Qd8) 2.Qxf2+ but after Rxf2 3.Be3 b6 there is no mate
1.Rc8+ Ka7
2.Qb6+!! Bxb6
3.axb6 Kxb6
is a very nice checkmate pattern
The solution is:
1. Rc8+ (the rock cannot be taken due to 1.Kxc8 is met by 2.Qd8 mate)so only 1. Ka7 is possible
2. Qb6+ 2. Bxb6
3. axb6+ 3. Kxb6
4. Be3# mate
1.Rc8 & 4.Be3#
1. Rc1-c8
If 1. … Kb8xc8 2. Qf6-d8#
If 1. … Kb8-a7 2. Qf6xf2+ Rf7xf2 (forced) 3. Bg5-e3#
something like Rf1+ Kh2 Qg3+ Bxg3 hxg3+ followed by Bd6++! I think its all forced
1.Rc8+! Ka7
2.Qb6+! Bxb6
3.axb6+ Kxb6
Terrific! Wish I ever got such positions…
And who said you can’t mate with just K and B?
1 Rc8+ Ka7
2 Qb6+ Bxb6
3 axb6+ Kxb6
4 Be3++
Very nice! – VladD, Toronto
1 Rc8+! Ka7 (1 .. Kxc8 2 Qd8#)
2 Qb6+! Bxb6
3 axb6+ Kxb6
4 Be3#
Qxe5+, Ka7, Rc8
Is it:
1. Rc8+, Ka7 (if Kxc8, Qd8 mates)
2. Qb6+ Bxb6
3. hxb6, Kxb6
4. Be3 checkmate
Rc8+! White has a forced mate in four!