Flash tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How shoud White proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Q:h5+ Kg8 (g:h Th7#) 2. Rc:g6+ N:g6 3. R:g6+ Kf8 4. Q:h8#
1.Dxh5 game over 😉 Black can’t take and if they don’t take sacrifice on g6..
I guess you mean Qxh5 and mate to follow 🙂
1. Qxh5
Q e2 takes pawn h5
1. Qxh5+ gxh5
2. Rh6 Mate
1. .. Kg8
2. Rxg6+ Nxg6 (f-pawn is pinned by Ba2)
3. Qxg6+ Kf8
4. Qg7+ Ke8
5. Qxh8 Mate
Be my guest: Flash tactic
Too easy…
Lol sorry I used French notation with ‘D’ like Dame^^
1.Q:h5+! Kg8 (g:h Rh6# (Rg7#)) 2.Rc:g6+ (Rg:g6+ N:g6 3.R:g6+ Kf8 4.Q:h8#) N:g6 3.R:g6+ Kf8 4.Q:h8#