FIDE Seminar for International Organizers (pdf)
29-31 August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
1. Organizers: FIDE Events Commission with the co-operation of the Turkish Chess Federation
2. Dates: 29-31 August 2012
3. Venue: Olympiad Tournament Area, Istanbul Turkey
4. Participation:
Deadline for registrations Monday 27th August. Up to 40 participants (by priority) from all Continents. Successful attendees will grant a FIDE IO Norm necessary for the FIDE IO title application. The new FIDE Organizers’ Manual will be distributed for free among the registered participants.
5. Schedule:
Wednesday, 29th August – 09:00 to 13:00 Seminar (Part 1)
Thursday, 30th August – 09:00 to 13:00 Seminar (Part 2)
Friday, 31st August – 09:00 to 13:00 Seminar (Part 3) – Exams
6. Seminar Topics:
Regulations Events Commission (General Regulations, Events Regulations, Bid Procedure)
Ratings and Titles
Events’ Management – Case Studies
7. Costs/Fees: Seminar fee: 50 € including coffee breaks
8. Lecturers:
Ignatius Leong, FIDE General Secretary, Chairman FIDE Qualification Commission, FIDE Calendar Administrator
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou , Secretary FIDE Events Commission
9. Language: The seminar will be held in English. If necessary, translators will assist.
10. Applications – Registrations
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou , Secretary Events Commission :
Ozgur Solakloglou, Councillor Events Commission: with a copy to FIDE secretariat:
11. Accommodation – Transportation
For accommodation & transportation please contact the Chess Olympiad Organizing Committee:
FIDE is great.