Interview with Leny So by
December 2014
Chessdom: Hello Leny. Thank you very much for doing this interview. We just heard the news about your son Wesley becoming a full time professional. We interviewed his former coach, GM Susan Polgar. We would like to know your perspective.
Are you and your husband chess players?
Leny So: I am not a chess player but I can play a little. I find it interesting and mentally stimulating. It was my husband, a hobby chess player, who taught Wesley chess when he was about 6. But we, as parents, did everything we could to support and nurture him throughout his whole life to give him a chance to succeed.
Q: Did you recognize Wesley’s talent early on?
LS: Yes, we knew he has a special God given talent in chess. We bought him various toys, but it was the chess that caught his interest. He is a very bright boy. He had many early successes and became a very strong player in his early teens. But his talent was not fully realized until later because he did not get proper training and assistance in chess. He needed help.
Q: So what happened? How did the big jump happen?
LS: My husband met GM Susan Polgar and her husband when he accompanied Wesley to the SPICE Cup in the US some years ago. After talking to them at length various times during this event, he understood that Wesley can benefit greatly from their world class chess training system. Our son was still too young at that time to enter university. But we had this idea in mind. And some years later when the time was right, Wesley joined SPICE at Webster University. That was the best decision for him and his chess career.
Q: So what did they do to help Wesley?
LS: First of all, they took Wesley in and treated him like their own son. Secondly, they knew right away what Wesley needed to do to become an elite player. They knew how to help him improve in many areas, on and off the chess board. They also have a very structured chess training / learning system at Webster University. They created for him baby steps to reach one goal at a time such as to break 2700, 2725, 2750, then top 10, etc. Wesley needed to be in a disciplined, positive, and structured environment. He came in as a talented boy and after 2 years became an accomplished man.
Q: So did you talk to Wesley about becoming a full time professional chess player?
LS: Yes, but only after he graduates from Webster University. We had hoped it did not mean that he would give up his education. No matter how good he is as a chess professional, it cannot replace education and a university degree. All of us encouraged him to stay in school. He still has so much to learn.
Unfortunately, there were poor advices given to Wesley which is not to our liking. I have a negative feeling as a mother that this is a very huge mistake on Wesley. It hurts me terribly.
Likewise, he has full plate, has to study and play chess, being distracted is not helpful.
Wesley is an adult and he has made his choice. Unfortunately, we could easily imagine better choices, or better ways for him to have expressed his choice or brought it about. All we can do as parents is to re-express our hope that he will make well-thought-out choices in the future, and display regard for their effects. We also like to reiterate to him our constant message as parents– reassurance of our continued love and welcome for him, and a gentle reminder to keep his upright upbringing and display continued awareness, concern for, sense of gratitude and sensitivity to the welfare and feelings of other people.

Leny So
Q: What is next? What will you do?
LS: We love our son and we will support him any way we can.
We taught him to be a loyal, honest, caring, and loving person, and always remain humble no matter how good he is. We taught him the value of professionalism and strong integrity.
Q: I know that this is a difficult time for you and your family. Is there anything else you wish to say?
LS: So family is very grateful to Paul Truong and GM Susan Polgar for what they have done for Wesley and his development as a person, teaching him to be responsible and reaching top ten in the world. I also thank his friends, supporters, Webster University, Reginald Tee, NCFP and President Pichay, and many more. I hope Wesley will never forget what everyone had sacrificed to help him for so many years. We will remain strong as a family and support our son anyway we can.
Q: Once again, thank you for taking the time to do this interview.
LS: Thank you very much.
Another exclusive interview by Chessdom:
The million dollar question is: Who is the unforseen hand (he or she) that influence GM Wesley So to turn professional right away & drop out of college. Pichay? LOL
We support Wesley.
We salute and respect Paul and Susan, and their team. You have a big heart and every Wesley’s supporter forever knows that.
Holiday cheers!
Wesley So is an amazing talent who should concentrate on playing in the highest level tournies for optimizing his chess development. Best wishes!!!
One should always listen to his Mother, no matter what the rating is. Every 21 year old thinks he’s smart. Every 21 year old thinks he’s a big shot.
What the fudge?! Why leave Susan Polgar & drop out of college? What the fudge, man?! Benedict Arnold you!!
I’m too sexy for my car, too sexy for this comment, too sexy for this website.
There has to be a girl. It must be a girl. Why change a winning formula unless a girl is involved. Who is she?
GM Wesley So has always been a “Public Figure”. His life, professional or private, comes under scrunity always & subject to criticism (constructive or destructive) from his team, fans, detractors, opponents etcetera… If GM So wishes his life to be private & to actually tell people to mind their own business, then he is misinformed & ill-advised & in the wrong proffession. As an elite chess player, people are bound to criticize, hate, malign, destroy you. Just ask Nakamura how maligned he is in almost all chess forums & chess news site/blog. The difference between GM Wesley So & GM Hikaru Nakamura is while Wesley is obssessed on any news about him & hurtful on the negatives (as he reads them & put it in his heart) Nakamura does not care, ignore them & wont even vusit the sites to read the negative & insulting comments to him & go on playing serious chess & winning tourneys. GM Wesley So should just ignore whatever people are saying regarding his decision to go Professional & go on work hard & prove the critics wrong by actually winning games, beating elite players, reach 2800 level, qualify for the candidates & win it & challenge Carlsen & beat him to be World Champion. A true Professional chess player does not care what people say & does not even respond to their hate-campaign (as only an idiot chess player do) One has to asked, if GM So like things to be private in his life, he should stop giving interviews about him & ask his family & friends to stop feeding information to the public anything about him & stop playing chess. Only then will GM Wesley So life would be private & serene.
#1 criteria for being an elite player: You CAN’T have thin skin! Grow up and deal with it. You can’t please everyone. Do what you do best and ignore the trolls.
In referrence to the first comment, it’s not a “million dollar question”. It’s a billion dollar question. 🙂
As a parent, I feel for Leny. She’s expressing disappointment and so much concern. I guess priorities weren’t clear to Wesley. Education is top priority. Just 2 more short years and you could take any road you want. As it is, you have narrowed your life’s options. If you think you’re man enough to make decisions, be man enough to rethink and reconsider. I suppose the bridges have not been burned, and correcting a mistake will only be to your benefit. Chess is not always Las Vegas where you will have 100k to win all the time.
Oh my, GM Wesley So is definitely getting lots of attention in the chess world off the board. First, his spat with NCFP officials led by its President Prospero Pichay. Then his coach Susan Polgar getting insulted by NCFP. After being transferred to USCF thru the aid of Susan Polgar & Paul, barely a month under USCF cut his ties with Susan Polgar & Paul & removed them as his coach, drop out of college & left Webster Univeristy & decided to turn professional with a new chess coach & team that remains a secret (and only he knows but unlikely to tell the public). Thereafter get himself interviewed by Eliseo Tumbaga (Shooting for the Stars article in chessbase) get heavily criticized by people & getting mad at them for “making him look like an idiot by being swayed by insisting that his decision to turn Pro was influenced by others”. Then his mom Lenny So gets an interview saying that they were disappointed with GM So decision to go Pro & left college but supports him anyway & went further saying GM So had been ill-advised by someone who influence his decision to turn Pro. Then GM So gets MAD because people are asking who influence him & went on to defend himself that the insuanuation by concerned people that he gets swayed or influence by others in his decision to go pro is insulting to him & made him look like an idiot. Bottomline, all these circus & never-ending stories about Wesley So is his own doing. He gets too much attention in the chess world with his off the board dramas. I hope this would be the last circus/drama we hear from GM So. Im hoping the next time I read news about GM Wesley So, its due to his chess performances & NOT on his personal problems.
Very bad to disrespect his parents. No son should ever do this. Can’t he see that his Mother is hurting?
Poozy is very powerful. Wesley So fell victim to poozy power. Poozy is more powerful than money.
Are you sure its Poozy or is it Penny? Both are powerful depending on the user 🙂
That Alex person is right. It’s got to be poosy power as pictured below. Poosy is very powerful & difficult to avoid.
Give Wesley a break! He is just a self-centered, ego maniac & too over-confident chess player that he thinks breaking the top 10 (with the HELP of Susan Polgar) made him look “elite player” & “unbeatable. He cant even beat Giri who is much improved than So by thousand miles. Mark my word, without Susan Polgar as his coach, he will fair dismissally poor & get beat badly/hard at the 2015 Tata Steel Masters. Without a well-trained coach beside him, he CANNOT compete against the best in Tata Steel. 2015 will mark the end of GM Wesley So!
Amen, brother. You’ve nailed it.
As they say, “mother knows best” but I specially agree with her on this one. Get the education first and play elite chess. When your high days of chess is over you have something to fall back to and you will never be called a ‘college drop-out’.
Wesley So is a traitor, dishonest & unloyal person. First he did it against the National Chess Federation of the Philippines by leaving them when his whimps & caprices were not followed. Then thru the help of Susan Polgar (who receive lots of insults & humiliation from NCFP officials) & after successfuly transferred him to USCF, he ABANDON coach Susan & Paul, left WebsterU & SPICE which is the biggest INSULT GM So made against Susan & Paul. GM So is a USER, after he uses people he drop them like they are disposables. He even DEFIED his mom wish to stay & finish college. GM Wesley So is the DRAMA King in Chess & an insubordinate, disloyal & person without honor. Without Susan Polgar, GM Wesley So will NEVER succeed as a Pro. He will lose badly in Tata Steel Masters 2015.
Amen! You are so spot on.
Look at Anish Giri (who’s younger than So) eclipsing 2780+ by playing against the World’s Top 10 to Top 20. Wesley So has reached 2760+ by playing against 2400+, 2500+ & 2600+. A number of them were NM & IM. Rarely against 2700+. Wesley So should continue playing against NM, IM, <2700 GM & rarely against 2700+ to successfully breach 2800. What a cunning fella.
I would like to suggest that this should be Wesley So’s background song when he gets introduced at a chess tournament or at any event. It’s a 1993 song by Beck. The song’s chorus goes something like: “Soy un perdedor! I’m a user, baby, so why don’t you feel me?
(Double barrel buckshot)”
He tried on his own for a few years. He couldn’t improve until when he was in the program of Polgar. Then he jumped from 99 to 10 in 2 years. What makes him think he can do it now on his own? Must be a girl somewhere.
Wesley says that he is his own man so don’t insult him by saying his move to turn pro was influenced by others. Let’s support his decision. Education need not be the top priority always. Wesley can always go back to school if his plans miscarry. Do you think Manny Pacquiao could have become an 8-division boxing champion if he had prioritized education over boxing? Nevertheless, everybody knows that Susan Polgar molded Wesley to become a great chess player that he is today – a world contender at that.
Your an idiot if you compare Manny Pacquiao’s case to GM Wesley So. First, Pac was as poor as a rat & in as much as he wants to go to school he simply cannot as they have a big family and boxing is the only source of living he knows he can do. Luckily, he hit the jackpot & as they say the rest is history. Then he came back to finish college this despite his busy schedule as a congressman, actor, endorser etc etc In short, Pac managed to FIND TIME despite all the demands of his popularity. Wesley So (who is not big fish in chess world) even with much time to spare DID NOT find time & behaving as a rebellious son/student went against the wishes of his mom & his coach. Wesley has all the luxury to finish college but he did not. Thats the DIFFERENCE, Pac did not have the opportunity to go to school due to poverty but Wesley did have every opportunity but opted not to. Second, all boxing affairs of Pac is controlled by his promoter Bob Arum. Bob determined who Pacs fight or not & how much Pac gets in dollars. Bob INFLUENCED Pac on every aspect of Pac’s career & Pac just follow & do whatever his promoter Bob wants. And his obedience leads to millions of $$$$ in cash for Pac. Dont tell us that Pac being influenced by Arum is an insult to Pac? You must be nuts. Your comparisons between Pac & Wesley is full of shit & manifest IGNORANCE to the highest degree. And you call DISOBEDIENCE to your parents a right thing to do… DISGUSTING, DISGRACEFUL & DISHONORABLE.
A MOTHER’S WISDOM – LENNY SO (1) “No matter how good he is as a chess professional, it CANNOT replace education & a univeristy degree. All of us encouraged him to stay to school. He still has so much to learn” (2) “Unfortunately, there were POOR ADVICES GIVEN TO WESLEY which is NOT TO OUR LIKING. I have a NEGATIVE FEELING AS A MOTHER that it us a VERY HUGE MISTAKE on Wesley. IT HURTS ME TERRIBLY.”
I would like to point out certain things:
1. Wesley is an adult and can make (and has the right to make) decisions for himself with or without anyone’s approval. It’s called freedom of choice.
2. Whether that decision is good or bad does not necessarily depend on weather he will succeed on his goals or not. He simply chose to take a certain road over others because he believed it was the best road to take (among other possibly good roads – better or not). There is no right or wrong here as long as he is not obligated to someone or some people to do otherwise.
3. While it is important to value education above many things most of the time, it is not the golden rule. There is more than one path to learning and the timing could be different for different people for different reasons. I, for example, got my Master’s Degree in Engineering later in life (30’s) because I chose to do other positive things in my life at an earlier age and do not regret any of them. Some don’t even have a college degree but are quite successful in what they do.
4. Although I don’t know all the details, it doesn’t appear that Wesley (or anybody for that matter) would be disrespecting others by the choice he makes just because they don’t agree with it. It may offend or hurt certain people but that is not necessarily his fault. It’s a matter of seeing things differently but no harm was intended.
5. I respect Wesley for his decision. But more than that, I actually commend him for being able to make such decision (with many if not all things considered) and stand by it at such a young age. It’s a sign of a man with a vision and knows what he is doing in life. If there is anything more important for his sake than being good in chess, it is being able to make choices in life after careful thought and consideration – and I believe Wesley did just that.
And you call not considering the advise of your parents the good thing to do because from the way you argue your point, your actually telling people “Please don’t listen to the advise of your parents thats Bull Shit”… And you call yourself educated… at least you finish your college degree while Wesley drop out of college… Everytime you make decisions, there is always a right or wrong whether the results are manifested before, during or after a decision has made. There is no such thing as no right or wrong. The problem with Wesley is he keeps on appearing on chess news for the wrong reasons.. all due to his personal saga. If this is the way he does things, then there is no bright future for him in chess or personal life. Wesley is a drama king getting media exposure all because of his own doing.
Well this whole thread aged like milk. Wesley So is top 6 in the world. College education? I’d rather be top 6 winning and placing high on tournaments, doing what I like best than settling for a degree which means nothing for his chess career, especially now in his prime.
I think somebody from the NCFP hierarchy has commented several times in this thread. Those poor-grammar, hateful posts with no intent but to paint Wesley as a bad person can only come from a griping NCFP loser. I don’t agree with Wesley’s decision myself, but that does not make him a monstrous villain. If his decision turns out to be wrong, no one but Wesley will suffer the consequence. There is no reason for any idiot to be bitter about it.
You are mistaken! In fairness to the loud-mouth commenter, the grammar is good. There maybe some typo error but overall, the level of grammar usage is a bit high & commands smart-level english. On the other hand, its the Pro-Wesley commentors grammar that is a bit awful to say the least. It only shows that the anti-Wesley commands high english proficiency than the pro-Wesley loyalist. Guess the anti-Wesley went to college & the Pro-Wesley drop out of college like their idol 🙂
You can be a world champion but you should never disrespect your parents. It’s not cool to hurt your mother.
What kind of son would treat his Mum that way? Very bad manner by Wesley So.
Bill Gates, who dropped out of school, did what he loves to do and the rest is history. There are many other prominent persons who lack formal education but made great achievements in their chosen field. In other words, formal education is not necessarily the be all and end all. Do what you love to do with total devotion, effort and passion and you are more likely to succeed. What if Wesley have found out that majoring in finance is too boring a course and a career to pursue? Would you still want him to continue? Let’s not be too quick to judge. Let’s not presume that we know better. Wesley is no ordinary person. He could not have become one of the youngest ever to achieve a GM norm if he were an ordinary man. Only a person with strong determination and brilliant mind can achieve a feat like that. Yet you are treating him like a weakling and an idiot. Leave him alone, smart ass.
Your right about lots of famous personality who drop out of college but went on to be succesful in life & became billionaires. Education is not a guarantee to success. BUT there is one thing these billionaires did despite dropping out of college, they still listen to the advise of their parents & took them into consideration because doing their next move in life. This is what GM Wesley So did not do as he COMPLETELY IGNORE his parents. That is the issue here, disrespecting & ignorinh your parents advise and not necessarily his decision to drop out of college.
So what if Wesley would fail as a chess pro? He can always go back to school, idiot! Even if he fails, at least he tried to pursue what he loves most rather than regret not doing it for the rest of his life. Again I would like to say that Wesley is no ordinary person. He could not have achieved his high standing in chess at a very young age if he didn’t have a brilliant mind and a strong will to succeed. Give him a break please, smart ass.
Roger rabbit, it appears your brain is now located in your ass, really! Dont give us a shit reason that if Wesley failed at least he tried… thats the most stupid thing one can ever reason out. He can succeed in chess while studying & trying to finish college as he just did… what made you sure that he will succeed as Pro & go full time? What his parents did was noble as they advise him as to how to proceed with his life but they did not control him as what stupid people kept on insisting here (you know who you are) just that Wesley is hard headed & rebellious thats why he ignore his parents advise completely. Again Roger the idiot, no matter how gifted you are if no one will guide you to explore further your raw talents it will remain stagnant. GM Wesley So, with all the talents you claim he has & being a child chess prodigy got stuck in the 2600 plus level for a long time. That only shows how far talents alone without further extensive training & guidance from trainers can lead you to… stuck in the abyss. Carlsen vastly improved & became what he is now when Kasparov trained him. Caruana & Giri, despite their talents never seem to break free from elite level until they hired the best chess trainer & reap success. GM So was just one of those 2600 plus players until he went to Susan Polgar and ask her to be his coach. And barely 2 1/2 years, all because of the training/guidance/advise of Susan did Wesley broke into the top 10. Wesley will never be top 10 without Susan Polgar and thats a FACT which you can never disclaim or refute. Talent alone can only lead you that far… but talent plus extensive training, coaching, advise, guidance etc can lead you further to greatness. Got it you imbecile Roger!
Just because he knows how the knights move. he should disrespect and abandon his Mummy? This is the woman who gave birth to him, made sacrifices for him, and nurtured him. What kind of person would do this?
First of all people who chastise wesley as being a traitor to the Philippines, his mother country are out to lunch and are probably going into grade 8 next year. Wesley so is in that stage of his life where his responsibility is to himself, his future and not to people who are cheering from the bleachers . You who do nothing but cheer from the bleachers better shut up and let the man do what is right for his future. In truth wesley does not need you to further his career.
Secondly parents cannot control the feelings and desires of an adult child, a 21 year old who has unlimited potential to succeed in his chosen profession. You who are 21 years or more who still live in your parents house better shut up and move out and find your own lfuture and not rely on your parents forever.
Thirdly stop saying that Giri is better than wesley so. Giri plays a lot more than wesley that’s why his elo is up. With limited playing time wesley has climbed up to a very respectable 10th place which is phenomenal .
Your argument is FLAWED! First, its not much of Wesley being branded as traitor by people in the Philippines due to his switching to USCF. Its being a traitor to his parents who cared for him since childhood but drop them out like their pancakes and not listen to their advise… he does not necessarily have to follow it to the letter but at least he should have taken them into consideration. His parents know more about Wesley than you or me or anyone else. In short, YOU dont know a shit about Wesley but his parents does & they have spoken. It appears your mouth is located in your ass now. Read the interview & understand it. What a rebellious child. Second, there is no mention of Lenny So controlling Wesley future, the parents gives advise to his child whats wrong with it? When everything fails on you & you become total failure in life you almost always got back to your parents to seek for shelter, comfort, advise, encouragement & help whether financial, emotional or psychological. Thats what Lenny So is preventing from happening at an early stage of Wesley life and there is nothing wrong about and it does not amount to control over your child. Only a person like YOU with brains smaller than a flea would think it that way regarding Lenny So actuations towards his son, Lastly, Giri is really better than So. Try to go wiki & you will how Giri is better than So. FYI, Giri too was studying 2 years ago while doing chess but he reach the 2700 plus club faster than So. So dont give me bullshit that Wesley playing time was limited by studies while Giri was not. It is only lately that Giri went full time because he finish his school. At least Giri gives importance to schooling unlike Wesley who upon reaching top 10 drop out of college LOL
Of course Giri is way better. This kid plays against real players while Wesley gains points from beating weak GMs.
I agree that Giri’s better than So at the moment. But I like the comment above about See-Poo power & its accompanying proof. That’s one powerful See-Poo that’s very hard to resist.
@anonymous … Excuse me but you blabber on without checking the facts .. In the latest qatar masters Giri lost to yu Yangi who is barely a 2700 player. Also wasn’t Anish Giri playing at the Reykjavik open 2013 ? Do you know who won that tournament ? Is was wesley so in case you didn’t know.
I’m not saying Giri is bad but wesley so is a totally different player now than when he was living in the Philippines. I won’t be surprised if both vie for the world championship in the future.
My only other comment is stop generalizing and making lame comments because it only shows that your knowledge of chess has lots to be desired.
Gee! Last time I check in Giri was ranked # 7 in the live ranking with a 2784 elo rating & he is still 20 years old. Further he regularly plays Carlsen & beat him already. Became former World Champion Anand second in his 2010 WC Match, the strongest Junior in the world up to this stage & always played against top & elite player and gets lots of chess invite in strong tournaments. He did lost to strong player like Women World Champion Yfan but he rarely or never lose to guys with a 2500 rating or below. He became a 2700 plus GM 2 years or more ahead of GM So. And the list keeps growing. Wiki it & it says there all. And GM Wesley So NEVER beat Giri before in any match but Giri already wipe his ass out. If you list down the 2700 players Giri beat, his list is longer than So. And dont give me bullshit that So is studying thats why his tourney participation because Giri too was studying & he finish it. Know your facts before you blabber and undermine Giri’s accomplishment as he accomplish more than your boy the Drama King Wesley. Giri gets into the chess news due to his performances in tourneys while Wesley gets into news more often to his personal problem & drama in life than his chess. Thats the noticeable difference between Giri & So. Got it!
If Wesley opted to stay in college before turning into a full time professional chess player, that would be a noble thing to do. Not because it is his parents’ wishes, but because it is a noble thing in itself. His parents would be happy if it is their wish for him to do that. However, there could be many other more or less noble things to do in life. He could have chosen to give up chess and become a doctor, or leave school and join a mission organization to help the poor, or use his brains and become an inventor and make a living that way, etc, etc. These are all noble things to do, thus “no right and wrong” here but those are good choices depending on what he is passionate about. Now, if he chose to leave school to join the Isis, or take up arms and become a terrorist, or become an irresponsible drunkard, etc, etc, then there is definitely something wrong here. Can you see the difference? When I say “right and wrong” I am talking in the moral sense, not whether he succeeds or fails in chess, etc. Now, as for the advice of the parents, it is good to listen to them as they guide a child while growing up (assuming they are good advices). One of the main purposes is so that the child can learn to make good choices and hopefully continue making good choices into adulthood. It is not so that the child would become dependent on their advice for the rest of his life but so that he would actually be able to make independent decisions after careful thought and consideration (of other people’s opinion) and face the consequences good or bad – it’s how we learn. This is why it is important for parents to teach their child that their choices will have consequences and to give them the freedom to choose when they become adults. I’m confident this is what Wesley’s parents would want for him even if they don’t necessarily agree with him in all his choices – but that’s life.
And you call ignoring the advise of your parents (who nurtured you & made you who you are) a noble thing to do OR a person who help you transfer to USCF and by doing so was extremely humiliated & insulted like never before a noble thing to do? Gee! Your such an ass perhaps your like Wesley, rebelious, hard headed & out-of control spoiled brat. You deserved to be paired with him really!
How come So did not improve for 2-3 years until he came to Webster? Why is that? I thought he’s a genius and he needs nobody.
You can be a doctor, lawyer, astronaut, or even a bartender. But you never ever ever disrespect the one who gave birth to you. Family should always come first. Wesley became a big shot and thought he’s smarter than his parents.
I think you guys are not understanding the essence of life. Children are like kites and the parents role is to let them soar high that when they get high enough they cut the string to let the soar by themselves. Unfortunately Filipinos do not subscribe to this truth and that is why the country is in doldrums because children are not taught the virtue if independence. This is altogether another topic of discussion but please don’t tell me parents are always right because it is simply saying they are not capable of making mistakes which is a blatant lie. Yes parents deserved to be honoured and respected but you and I also know that respect is not an entitlement – it has to be earned.
Wesley so is a prodigy and let’s just say that when he came to the States he had an awakening, sort of an epiphany after Susan Polgar taught him how to think smartly and more importantly convinced him that he Is a damn good player. In the Philippines he had nothing to learn except watching Vice Gandas stupid soap operas. That’s the difference – when you are surrounded by people who think and nourishes your desires, energy and strengthens your spirit.
The Philippines is full of shit because of people like you who is too narrow minded & who gets easily swayed. And you blame your parents for your misery in life & being out of work and actually tell readers parents have to earn their children respect? Your such a bullshit child… no matter what your parents do, they are still your parents & you still respect them because without them, your nothing. When your surrounder with people like you who espouses the idea “that parents have to earn the respect of their children” the whole country will be in chaos. How I wish you were not born in this world & your parents just do an abortion on you as they created a monster in you… Your a disgrace & distespectful like your idol.
His poor adviser might have selfish motive?
I am curious about this poor adviser. What do you think are the motives? To be the talent manager?
It’s about money and fame. His advisor wants his money and his fame. The rumor is it’s a she, not he.
Equalizer, I think what you said makes sense. Wesley has soared high, as number 10 in the world chess ranking. Now it is time for his parents to let him loose and let him soar by himself.
Its time for Wesley’s parents to let him lose? Who says they control him? Wesley has been doing things on his own & he gets into a mess because of his own doings not due to his parents. What Lenny So is doing is giving advise to his son which is what a parent supposed to do… its up to Wesley whether he listen or not… now dont tell what Lenny So is doing is bad & your right because your opinion is plain shit. My what a twisted idea you have there!
“In great countries, children are always trying to remain children, and the parents want to make them into adults. In vile countries, the children are always wanting to be adults and the parents want to keep them children.”
John Ruskin
And in the Philippines, children always pretend to be an adult & dont listen to the advise of their parents & elders but when they fuck up & mess around with their life they go back to their parents & tell them their sorry for not listening them. Too late they made a big mess of their life, having babies at an early stage of their life, get into drugs & vices & a lot of shit things. And then they let their parents undo their misery & failures because they dont listen. No wonder the Philippines has a high rate of teenage pregnancy, teen addicts & criminals… because they did not listen to their parents. And this is what your telling kids… “dont listen to the advise of your parents like what GM Wesley So did” an Ambassador of Disobedience
Wesley So hmmm a cheatah playing against weaker & lower rated NM, IM & GM to boost his elo rating. He’ll place 5th or lower at Tata Steel 2015.
It’s shameful that a Filipino kid is behaving this way. I’m done supporting him. He abandoned his home country, his family, his friends, his teammates, and his university. What is it all for? He can’t get to the top 5 on his own. No one does. What an ungrateful and unpatriotic person.
Just because Wesley did not follow his parents wishes doesn’t mean he disrespects them already, mama’s boy. Do you have to follow your parents wishes all your adult life, mama’s boy? He is 21 years old and lives on his own, should he not make his own decisions by this time, mama’s boy? Should you make decisions just to make your parents happy even if you have to sacrifice your dreams and goals, mama’s boy? Wesley has to devote his full attention to chess if he wants to become a world chess champion. Magnus Carlsen is a high school drop-out. Do you think Magnus could have become a world chess champion if had college studies to attend to besides chess? Besides, Wesley can always go back to school later, smart ass.
To A Certain Mr. or Ms. Anonymous Who Seem To Hate Wesley So Much,
You seem to be in the habit of putting words in other people’s mouth followed by accusing and condemning them with much trash talking because of those words which only came from you in the first place. Relax. No one is disrespecting anybody except you with your trash talking and straw man arguments. Why be so judgmental? It’s just chess, a sport, and Wesley chose to play it full time and his mom still loves him. Or do you just always resort to trash talking and judging people – a symptom of something troubling you deep inside? Tell you what. For what it’s worth, I invite to be my friend. You can tell me anything that’s on your mind and what’s troubling you and I will listen, but please don’t keep polluting this chess blog with anymore nonsense. Ok?
Actually, this article should never even have been posted in the first place because of its sensitive and private nature. The moment I read this, I immediately thought to myself, oh oh, now Wesley is placed in an uncomfortable position where he might feel the need to defend himself from the likes of you who pass judgment on others when you have absolutely no right nor basis to do so. If anything, it is Wesley who is being disrespected because of this article being posted and people like you jumping into the opportunity to judge him. Whatever took place between Wesley and other people concerned surrounding his decision that is of a sensitive nature should have been kept private to avoid malicious gossiping and slander.
It is equally shameful for people who pretend to follow Wesley so and become irate when the man undertakes a decision that affects his own future. Sadly these are Filipinos who have no more than shallow showbiz mentalities have equated patriotism as nothing more than cheering from the bleachers.
It is so shameful that the Filipino nation cannot even recognize the treasure that lies within the genius of Wesley So and the man has to go to another country to seek the fulfillment of his dream. This is your pathetic country’s fault.
I suggest you stop following Wesley because of your crab mentality. Now you are insidiously wanting him to fail. Leave Wesley to follow his dreams and stop berating him. He owes nothing to you.
And who says we follow your guy the ever disobedience, spoiled brat & disloyal person GM Wesley So. We follow Susan Polgar’s blog & it just so happen news about the drama of your drama king gets published. And who says we are Filipinos? Whatever happening in your country is your own doing dont blame it on others people. Your boy gets on the news because of his own doing and for the wrong reasons. He lets the chess world know his personal problem & give them details & when people hit him he complain. Then stop the drama Wesley boy & stop appearing on thr news because of your misfortunes in your personal life & chess career. Get yourself on the news GM Wesley So because of your accomishments, chesd performances & great results not due to your never ending personal drama.
@anonymous.. whoever you are. The reason for the high pregnancy in the Philippines has nothing to do with disobedience. It has to do with ignorance and poor education because young people are not being trained to think for themselves. Your statement suggests that you are one ignoramus who has no clue of whats going on in your country.
Wesley is now property of the US of A and will be representing a country that gives him hope and aspirations to fulfill his dreams and not like your pathetic country full of ignoramuses like you.
Quit crying wolf and stop following him and act like a jealous jerk. He does not need your shallow support. 250 million Americans will support him. he will achieve more, make more money, enjoy a better quality of life and will be respected and not neglected by the country he represents.
Oh so Wesley So now a PROPERTY of the USA? FYI Wesley is NOT a THING to be classified as PROPERTY. Wesley is a human being, a PERSON for that matter & who is NOT OWNED like a PROPERTY by ANYONE ELSE. Your concept of it clearly shows an uneducated person or who with an IQ & understanding of an Imbecile. (Do you even know what it means? I bet you dont) Further, your logic clearly shows that ignorance & poor education or lack of it is manifested in your place as shown by your twisted logic. Only ignorant & uneducated person like YOU (Equalizer) will say that a particular PERSON is the PROPERTY of someone. Its like saying YOU are now the Property of your country because you live there. What an ass! IMBECILE!
I no like So for he tricky deceiving playing weaker chess players over & over to balloon up he rating to over 2760. He going to get royal butt kicking at Tatta Steel & he going to realize he not 2760 strong GM.
on Elo rating i think what is important is that it goes up every year and not down. It is not a question of who you beat or don’t beat but rather that your rating goes up every year. That’s when you say you have progressed. Cleary, Wesley So’s rating went up every year since 2012 when he moved to the U.S. which is a positive sign. At the end of the day that’s all that matters to a chess player.
@anonymous…your language simply shows how uneducated you are.As the saying goes- the best way to catch a fish is through its mouth. It glaringly shows and sadly, in front of professionals all over the world who love to participate in a very respectable blog such as Susan Polgar’s. You are an affront, an embarrassment to the Philipines, the country we all know you represent. You jsut showed the world that Filipinos have no class.
You are bitter because you have not accomplished anything in life and you want to be part of Wesley’s accomplishment as a Filipino coz if this isn’t true – what the hell are you bitching about. Your bitterness -You sound like you were dumped by your girlfriend. I see anger, rage more than bitterness.
. ..Guess what – if I was Wesley, I wouldn’t have a part of a disrespectful person like you either.
FYI! Im NOT a Filipino, whatever the heck is the problem with your country is YOUR problem not mine. On the contrary, it is YOU who embarass YOUR country by the way your bitching with your boy Wesley So… by even trying to provide an EXCUSE from the mess your boy created. You cant accept the fact that Wesley So kept appearing on news for the wong reasons that is… more on his personal problems & dramas from the NCFP days to the day he ditch his coach Susan Polgar after everything she did to your boy than his performances as a chess player. And these news kept appearing all because of Wesley’s doing not other people. And speaking of accomplishment, my list are long… not unlike YOU… who I bet still remains UNEMPLOYED, still living in his parents home dependent upon them for support & spent much time loitering around & playing games on-line instead of actually looking for work & having a life. Grow up & stop depending your parents! You keep on blubbing things depending your boy & when your pin down due to the twistedness of your logic, you go cry-baby & complain. YOU keep piling up YOUR mistakes & twisted logic everytime you comment… it only shows how imbecile you are. The Filipinos I know are smart, YOU on the other hand is the DUMBEST commenter ever. Read all your commenrs here so you can see how you mess things up trying to depend your boy. Your actually doing more damage to him than helping. If I were you, just keep your mouth shut. Especially in your case where your mouth appears to be right beside your ass… all foul things coming nothing good.
To anonymous poster. I am amazed at how you denigrate Wesley So with your posts. You are launching a smear campaign against So that even his parents will get offended by your insults. Why are you doing this ? What has he done to you ? I’m a girl yet I feel you sound to be so madly in love with him and he spurned you 🙂
There’s a Janet Jackson song that’s befitting of your post. Its lyrics goes something like this: “Ooh ooh ooh yeah! What have you done for me lately? Ooh ooh ooh yeah! What have you done for me lately? I never ask for more than I deserve. You know it’s the truth. You seem to think you’re God’s gift to this earth. I’m tellin’ you, no way!”
Ceasefire. Give love this Holiday Season. Try playing & defending with the Old Indian Defense. This is a Queen-less Exchange Variation similar to the Ruy Lopez Berlin. Experience the same extended suffering like in the Ruy Lopez Berlin. I’m a patzer playing vs. an equally patzer 1800-rated chess computer. Enjoy…or not, most likely.
Chess Computer 1800 (White pieces) vs. Kikong Kidlat (Black pieces)
12.9.2014: Old Indian Defense (Exchange Variation)
1. c4 Nf6 2. d4 d6 3. Nc3 e5 4. dxe5 dxe5 5. Qxd8+ Kxd8 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Nd5 Be6 8. Bg5 Bb4+ 9. Nxb4 Nxb4 10. Rd1+ Kc8 11. a3 Nc6 12. e3 Nd7 13. Bh4 h6 14. Bg3 b6 15. Be2 f6 16. O-O Nc5 17. Nh4 g5 18. Nf3 a5 19. Nd2 f5 20. b4 Nd7 21.b5 Ne7 22. f4 gxf4 23. exf4 e4 24. Bf2 c5 25. Be3 Nf6 26. Rf2 Kc7 27. Nb3 Rad8 28. Rff1 Rhg8 29. a4 Ng4 30. Bd2 Rd7 31. h3 Nf6 32. Bc3 Ne8 33. Rxd7+ Bxd7 34. Be5+ Kc8 35. Kh2 Ng6 36. Rd1 Nxe5 37. fxe5 f4 38. Nd2 Rg5 39. Nxe4 Rxe5 40. Bd3 Be6 41. Rc1 Kc7 42. Kg1 Bf5 43. Nf2 Nd6 44. Bxf5 Nxf5 45. Nd3 Re4 46. Nf2 Re3 47. Nd1 Ra3 48. Nb2 Ne3 49. h4 Ra2 50. Rb1 Kd6 51. h5 Ke5 52. Nd3+ Kf5 53. Nb2 Ke4 54. Kh1 Kd4 55. Kh2 f3 56. Kg3 f2 57. Kxf2 Rxb2+ 58. Rxb2 Nd1+ 59. Ke1 Nxb2 60. g4 Nxc4 61. g5 Nd6 62. gxh6 Kc3 63. h7 Nf7 64. Ke2 c4 65. Ke3 Kb3 66. Ke4 c3 67. Kd3 Nh8 68. Ke3 Kxa4 69. Kd3 Kb3 70. h6 c2 71. Kd2 a4 72. Kc1 a3 White Resigns. Black Wins 0-1
game is too long. i got sleepy past 50 moves. blah!
just observing.. a decision or judgment cannot be deemed a mistake unless results are in. Disagreement over a decision does not make such decision a mistake.
For now, it is a decision; 6 months to one year after only then will we know that a mistake had been made. Let us not rush. For now the decision demands respect from everyone.
You can’t be a professional chess player if you’re in the 2600 level. You got to be in the top 10 or 15 with enough chutzpa and charisma
( child prodigy) to be called to play in top events. Certainly Wesley is in that category, with his very high win percentage – 45% of games played – which bests the likes of Hakamura and Giri, even Carlsen.
This is a very interesting stage of Wesley’s career and many are curious as to how it will play. Of course, we can comment but i’ll not skip breakfast arguing about it. There’s some people in Canada who are excited to see how this plays, Some even wished for Wesley to play for Canada,,, oh well .. that’s another story.
This anonymous guy is trying to make people believe that Wesley is disloyal and disrespectful to his parents just because he did not follow their advice. This anonymous guy wants people to believe that Wesley can not achieve his goal without the help of a coach like Susan Polgar. But did Wesley say he won’t hire a coach? This anonymous guy makes conclusions without basis just to make Wesley look bad! Wesley I’m sure is grateful for Susan Polgar’s help but this anonymous person wants people to believe that Wesley has no gratitude when he left Webster University to follow his dreams. This anonymous person is full of hatred towards Wesley that he concocts lies to falsely besmirch Wesley’s reputation.
Roger rabbit! Read the interview of Lenny So & the one entitled “Shooting for the Stars” & try to read & understand it again. The mother has spoken & she express her views. Her mom knows better than YOU. Read carefully & understand the interview of Lenny So… if you still dont understand, then there is nothing we can do for a dumbass & moron like you. Dont drop out of college & go back to school & listen to your parents advise. Thereafter, come back & read the article again. If you still cant understand, do me a favor & shoot yourself!
There are basis: Read & understand the Interview of Lenny So & see how disappointed her parent was against his prodigal son. Unless you dont know how to read because you drop out of college like your idol for defying the advise of your parents. YOU must be really proud disobeying your parents advise like Wesley right
What do you mean by hootchies in Minn?
Hootchies in Minnesota? It means Poo See power.
Poo-see power, still I don’t get it. Anyway, goodluck to Wesley. But respect your mom.
Penny power is a close relative of Poo-see power. Come to Minnesota & I will treat you with a night at the mansion with some Poo-see power 🙂
Poo-see power is a powerful entity that looks like a taco but smells like fish. It is a well known energy drainer. It is also known to reduce chess playing strength from 20 to 100 ELO points. A famous chess player, still playing actively, has complained of a 200 ELO-point decrease in his playing strength due to Poo-see power. Beware of Poo-see power.
Fellow Anonymous is correct about the close relationship of Penny power & Poo-see power. There’s a song about it by Lionel Richie: “Penny power, my love’s on fire. Penny power, you’re my one desire. Tell me, Penny, could this be true? That I could need someone like I need you.”
Wesley’s facebook contains a statement about his decision to turn professional. It is a decision that he has embarked on as an adult considering that at 21 he is of legal age, the age of majority so to speak.
by definition : “The age of majority is the threshold of adulthood as it is conceptualized (and recognized or declared) in law. It is the chronological moment when minors cease to legally be considered children and assume control over their persons, actions, and decisions, thereby terminating the legal control and legal responsibilities of their parents or guardian over and for them. Most countries set majority at 18. “
As mere observers, we cannot cast aspersions on an adult’s decision to further his career on his own terms, his time, his feelings and emotions, his confidence about his skills and abilities and the expression of his ultimate ambition. I have also observed that all of FIDE top chess players are professionals who all make a living by playing chess. Perhaps Wesley wants to be in that club because it is a very lucrative profession when you are a the highest level as these guys rake in 6 figures every year not only in prize money but in appearance fees and endorsements. Anand for example made millions in the last 2 world championship games as a loser.
check this out. this tells you how much money can be made if you are in the elite class.
Let us not bring in the disobedience garbage into this argument when we do not even have a clue of what’s at stake. If Arionan, Caruana, Kramnik, Grischuk, Hakamura can rake in between 150-300K every year by playing professionally, why not Wesley ? There’s a lot of money at stake here for Wesley so let’s give the man a chance to prove his worth. He’s got enough chutzpa and game to give these guys a run for their money.
Your arguments are all pure garbage… of course we dont dont know shit about Wesley & so do YOU. But his parent has spoken and they know better than me, YOU or anyone else. Unless your telling the world that his mon lied in her interview in which case your BS arguments may hold up!
Only elite & world class chess players earn a decent living from prize purse to endorsement & corporate sponsors, other players even 2700 plus struggled to earn that much. GM Wesley So is NOT yet an elite chess player perhaps in the future but not yet… so stop blubbing the argument that Wesley can earn big amount like Carlsen, Caruana, Nakamura to name a few. Wesley is still a nobody & he still has to prove he belongs to the elite… until then his just an ordinary 2700 plus player.
Merry Christmas to GM Wesley So & Family & all his loyal fans. Focus on chess, ignore the haters & let your play & performances in tourneys speaks for itself. Merry Christmas also to Coach Susan Polgar, Paul and Family. Wish both GM Wesley So & Susan Polgar more love, blessings & happiness! God Bless to All & Peace on Earth!
Wesley’s mother did say that they (the family) will support him in his decision, although she was obviously hurt by that decision. I think that is what we all should do. He’s an adult now. Sometimes we adults do things which hurt the feelings of members of our family. But in the end, what’s important is that we still have the love of our family. Their understanding of our reasons for doing what we did may come at a later time. I’m sure Wesley’s mother, despite the hurt feelings, would still keep on hoping and praying that her son made the right decision. And I’m sure Wesley knows that. I think that would help strengthen his resolve to try his very best to succeed in the path he chose in life.
I met Wesley So and he is a great guy. I wish him the best and have no doubt he will achieve 2800 and will be World Champion one day!
EDUCATION IS SO OVERRATED. Think of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Magnus Carlsen — people at the top of their chosen careers. What matters most is to do what you love doing and to give everything you have to excel in it.
I understand Wesley So’s decision to leave school and turn professional. Chess is his life’s calling. It’s his duty to pursue it as early as possible, as passionately as possible.
So… Education is so overrated… & Disobeying/Ignoring your parents advise is also SO OVERRATED… Flips message to all the sons & daugther of the world… DO NOT listen to your parents advise… completely ignore them… their advise are so overrated… Ask Flip he does it everytime LOL
Nobody seems to be asking the obvious question. It is understandable of him to quit school. The pros and cons are clear. But why is he living in Minnesota? Is there anyone over there who is even close to his strength? This is obviously the outside influence that was hinted.
Minnesota? Ask Roy Rogers.
Is there a good money in chess???
Wesley So ELO 2762 and 10th in the world IS NOT AN ELITE PLAYER. The person who posted this knows how to hop, skip and jump but has no clue about how the game of chess is played. Go to Disney channel where you belong and not here.
Wesley’s parents didn’t agree to Wesley’s leaving school and turning professional but since Wesley has made his decision, no matter how hurt they may be, they respect his decision and are offering their support any way they can. You anonymous hater have no respect for the person’s decision. He has decided but you and your vile mind can’t seem to accept that fact by acting like a jilted lover and a spurned suitor rolled into one, concocting lies to make him look bad. Leave him alone smart ass. Get a life. Plant pechay. It will clear your mind of evil thoughts. Don’t eat camote as it will only make you fart as bad as your foul mouth.
Tengna mo. Right.
The new adviser is manipulating Wesley. He was in good hands before. Now, its a mystery. To the new adviser, you need to think why you are doing that.
Poor Wesley. Wake up! You are in wrong hands. You are brainwashed.
Academic degree achievement can be attained by countless people but to try and to be a world chess champion means a feat for monumental and historical status of higher level of greatness. GM Wesley So, go for it!!!!
Proverbs 10:1
The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father,
but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt quotes
Pinoy pride!
I just found this article and it is very interesting because Wesley came very close to winning an elite tournament, Tatal Steel in Holland. In a next to last game of the tournament he was playing Giri and lost that game, but did have a draw, but missed the move. Carlsen finished first.
I assume Wesley dropped out to be able to attend these tournaments he has been playing and ones he will play. Who does not know about Vegas and the big big payout. Now he picks up status and respect in the international elite chess circles.
Not sure what the disappointment is all about. He is not playing a sport where he is probably going to get hurt and end his career. Looks like he will be in the running for the world championships and now is the time for him to take his shot, because he does not know how many chances he will have to become world champ.
Some of the comments made have me rolling on the floor laughing because the author’s have missed the mark so badly.
” GM Wesley So will NEVER succeed as a Pro. He will lose badly in Tata Steel Masters 2015. Wesley tied for 2nd. played at extremely high level. 2854 Should of won the tournament.
Score Rating TPR
4 So, W. 8.5 / 13 2762 2854
Who said he hurt his Mother? Noooo!He can always go back to school anyway he can. Theres this thinking in his mind that he can concentrate more in chess as a pro. Coz bringing with him the Polgar teachings by heart and a positive agressive thought, he shall be a world champion in the near future.