Radjabov, Teimour | – Kamsky, Gata | 1-0 |
Ivanchuk, Vassily | – Shirov, Alexei | 1-0 |
Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter | – Gelfand, Boris | 1/2 |
Official website: http://www.turneulregilor.com
Shirov was pushing hard to win the endgame. Ivanchuk defended very well and was in no real danger. Unfortunately for Shirov, he missed the drawing line on move 67. 67…g3 68.Nxf4 Kg5 =. Ivanchuk took advantage of it and scored a full point to extend his lead in Bazna.
[Event “Bazna”]
[Date “2009.06.21”]
[Round “7”]
[White “GM Ivanchuk”]
[Black “GM Shirov”]
[Result “1-0”]
[ECO “D80”]
[WhiteElo “2746”]
[BlackElo “2745”]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Bg5 Ne4 5. Bh4 c5 6. cxd5 Nxc3 7. bxc3 Qxd5 8. e3 Bg7 9. Nf3 Nc6 10. Be2 cxd4 11. cxd4 O-O 12. O-O b6 13. Rc1 Bb7 14. Qa4 e6 15. Rc3 Rfc8 16. Rfc1 a6 17. Ne1 b5 18. Qc2 Nxd4 19. exd4 Bxd4 20. Bf3 Rxc3 21. Qxc3 Bxc3 22. Bxd5 Bxd5 23. Rxc3 Bxa2 24. Bf6 b4 25. Rc7 b3 26. Nd3 a5 27. Nc5 g5 28. Rb7 h6 29. Nxb3 a4 30. Nc5 Bd5 31. Rd7 a3 32. Rd8+ Rxd8 33. Bxd8 Kg7 34. Ba5 Kg6 35. Bc3 f6 36. f3 h5 37. Kf2 e5 38. g3 Kf5 39. Nd7 Bc6 40. Nc5 g4 41. fxg4+ Kxg4 42. h4 a2 43. Bb2 Bd5 44. Nd3 Kf5 45. Ba1 Bc4 46. Nc5 Bd5 47. Bb2 Kg4 48. Na4 Bb3 49. Nc5 Bd5 50. Nd7 Kf5 51. Ke3 Bc6 52. Nb6 Kg4 53. Kf2 Kf5 54. Nc4 Ke4 55. Ne3 Bd7 56. Nd1 Be6 57. Nc3+ Kd3 58. Ba1 Bc4 59. g4 hxg4 60. h5 e4 61. h6 e3+ 62. Ke1 Bg8 63. Nxa2 f5 64. Be5 Ke4 65. Bc7 f4 66. Nc3+ Kf5 67. Nd5 Bh7?? (67…g3 1/2) 68. Ke2 g3 69. Kf3 e2 70. Kxe2 g2 71. Kf2 f3 72. Bb6 Ke6 73. Nc3 Kf7 74. Be3 Kg6 75. Nd5 Kf7 76. Kxf3 Bb1 77. Nc3 Bc2 78. Kxg2 Kg6 79. Kg3 Kh5 80. Nd5 Kg6 81. Kh4 Bb1 82. Bg5 Bc2 83. Nf6 Bf5 84. h7 {White wins} 1-0
Click here to replay the game.
1. | Ivanchuk, Vassily | g | UKR | 2746 | 5½ | |||||||||||||
2. | Gelfand, Boris | g | ISR | 2733 | 4½ | |||||||||||||
3. | Radjabov, Teimour | g | AZE | 2756 | 4 | |||||||||||||
4. | Shirov, Alexei | g | ESP | 2745 | 3½ | |||||||||||||
5. | Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter | g | ROU | 2675 | 2 | |||||||||||||
6. | Kamsky, Gata | g | USA | 2720 | 1½ |
nice struggle between Shirov and Chucky … an equal finale but …
Shirov is human.
Vive le jeu d’échecs!
I am a very weak player, so my comment has the only intent to learn, no intent to presume to have found a blunder, but i am unable to understand why Shirov resigned after h7. Of course Kg7 is forced then if Bh6+ Kh8 and I do not see how white can defend the pawn.
After Kg8 there is a really nice win:
Bf8! Bh7x Kg5 B~ Kh6 B~ Bg7#.
But I don’t think that Shirov was better in any moment of the game.
A. Vanzan –>
84. h7 Kg7 85. Bh6+ Kh8 86. Bf8 Bxh7 87. Kh5 (or Kg5) Bg6+ (or another move) 88. Kh6 B wherever 89. Bg7#
84. h7 Kg7 85. h8=Q+ Kxh8 86.Bh6 … and the same pattern.
A. Vanzan,
I didn’t see it immediately myself, but then saw that after Kg7 you get the following beautiful eding: h8Q! Kxh8 Bh6! and king is trapped. Either King goes to f8, or bishop to f8 and king to h6. Then follows Bg7 mate. Blacks white bishop can do nothing about this.
Beautiful, guys!!!
Thanks for sharing your analysis.