Daily Chess Improvement: 3 second chess tactic! Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Source: ChessToday.net
Mate in 2
Oops, missed it.
Same here.
Qg5+ and h5#
1. Qg5+ hxg5
3. h5#
Yancey, Alena left a thank-you message after your posts about R + RP vs R endings.
There’s a mate in 4 and also a mate in 6 if anybody wants to work them out.
But they depend on black’s moves, right? So really they are mate in 6, unless black plays poorly? Or am I missing something?
You’ve got the mate in 6 but there’s a mate in 4 starting with a different move.
No, it’s a mate in 5 sorry.
No, neither of them were mates, I missed that the bishop could block at h7 to cut off a check.
No, it was a mate in 4, I got the end bit wrong the first time and missed the best line for black but there’s a non-checking move.
No, there weren’t any other mates that I can see now.
There are other mate possibilities after Rxh6. Actually quite nice lines.
1. Rxh6 gxh6
2. Qg8+ Kh5
3. Bf3+ Bg4
4. Bg4#
1. Rxh6 Kxh6
2. Qh8+ Kg6
3. h5+ Kg5
4. Qg7+ if Kxh5, then
5. Bf3+ Bg4
6. Bg4#
But if
5. h5 and white is winning i assume.
But black can prolong things playing after 2. Qh8+ Bh7.
Then 3. Be4 and things get messy for black.
1.h5+ Kxh5
2.Bf3+ Kg6 (2… Bg4 3.Qh4+ Kg6 4.Qxg4#)
3.Rxg6+ Kxg6 (3… gxh6 4.Qg8#)
4.Qh4+ Kg6
1.Rxh6+? Kxh6
2.Qh8+ Bh7!
3.Be4 g6 and Black should win on material.
*3.Rxh6+ Kxh6