The month of January brings a renewed Chessdom shop, with multiple products additions such as the Empire Chess DVD series and the Total Chess Training IV.
Despite multiple improvements like easier cart management, payment methods flexibility, and enhanced search, the shop still keeps its philosophy of maintaining the prices at the lowest on the market.
With that comes the January mega package for complete chess openings training, available only during Tata Steel and Gibraltar. It contains 10 DVDs and programs of opening series, aimed to complete your chess library, while at the same time you save more than 30% on products cost and 100% on delivery as we provide FREE sipping for the package.
Get your Mega pack of 10 DVDs with 30% discount and FREE shipping here
Browse more DVD training packs here
The discount pack includes the following products:
* Opening Lab in which each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristics of key moves. The history of the variations’ development is described, as well as their current status. The theoretic material is nicely illustrated by classic games with detailed annotations that demonstrate the principal ideas and plans of each variation for White and Black.
There is also a special training section with more than 350 exercises of various difficulty on more than 40 openings.
* Encyclopedia of opening blunders – play chess by learning the opening mistakes and traps that have been discovered over time. The program designed for studying the blunders in more than 40 openings and contains over 1250 instructive exercises of varying difficulty from practical games.
* Modern Chess Opening, vol. 1, Open Games and Modern Chess Openings, vol 2., Open Games (1.e4 e5) program include over 1000 games/lectures each of them illustrating typical plans and methods in the following openings: Center Opening, North gambit, Bishop’s opening, King’s Knight opening, Latvian gambit, Ponziani opening, Philidor opening, Three Knight’s game, Hungarian game, Vienna game, Four Knights game, Kings Gambit, Evans Gambit, Italian game, Two Knights game, Petroff defense, Scotch game, Ruy Lopez defense. Also both programs include more than 1200 exercises.
* Sicilian Defense (1.e4 c5) includes 509 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the following variations of Sicilian Defense: system 2.c3, Scheveningen, Rauser Attack, Chelyabinsk variation, the systems with e7-e5, Dragon variation, Najdorf variation, Paulsen system, Closed system (2.Nc3), Moscow variation (2. Nf3 d6 3. Bb5), Rossolimo variation (2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5), etc.
* Semi-Closed Games (1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6) training and Semi closed training 2 (1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6) courses includes 500 games/lectures. Each of them illustrates typical plans and methods in the main variations of Kings Indian defense and Gruenfeld defense, Nimzo-Indian defense, Queen’s Indian defense and Catalan opening. 580 practical exercises are included.
* Chess Opening, vol. VI, Closed Games (1.d4 d5) for training in the following openings: Queen’s gambit, Queen’s gambit accepted, Cambridge springs variation, Tarrasch defense, Slav defense. Each opening variation is supplied with evaluations and characteristic of the key moves.
* Encyclopedia of chess openings is the product that builds upon the rest in the pack. 8 000 annotations to key moves and 500 000 of expert evaluations give two ways of studying an opening: by looking through encyclopedic tables for chosen openings or variations and by moving along a Chess Tree displaying expert evaluations of a current position.
This is awesome!