The first clue to the solution is the dark squared bishop on the lovely a1-h8 diagonal. It is under attack by black’s a pawn, but alas, black will have no opportunity to execute the capture,because white will force black to respond to checks until mate is achieved.
1. Qh6!!
Rxg6 hxg6
Qh8+ Nxh8
Rg7# I think..
1. Qh6 is not even forcing the position. Look before to forcing continuations: the quickest one I found is
1. Rxg6+! hxg6 2. Qh8+! Nxh8 3. Rg7#
I don’t think there is anything faster…
1. Rxg6+ hxg6
2. Qh8+! Nxh8
3. Rg7#
1. Rxg6+! hxg6 2. Qh8+! Nxh8 3. Rg7#
1Rg6 2 Qh8 3Rg7 Mate in 3.
Rook takes bishop leads to a mate I believe.
1. Rxg6+ hxg6
2. Qh8+ Nxh8
3. Rg7#
Rfxf7 followed by Nf6+. Easy peasy win for white.
Rxg6+ hg Qh8+ Nxh8 Rg7++
Rxg6+!, hg6
Rg7 mate.
Very nice solution with a suffocation-mate.
1. Txg6+ hxg
2. Dh8+ Cxh8
3. Tg7++
1. Rxg6+ hxg6
2. Qh8+ Nxh8 (2. Nf6+? Nxf6)
3. Rg7#
1. Qh6? fails to Nx6
1. Rfxf7? fails to Rxe7
2. Nf6+ Kxf7
Easy peasy win for White – but not with Rfxf7 🙂
1. Rxg6+ hxg6
2. Qh8+! Nxh8
3. Rg7# Poor black king…
1.Rxg6+ hxg6
2.Qh8+ Nxh8
All forced
1. Rxg6+ hxg6
2. Qh8+ Nxh8
3. Rg7#
1. Rxg6+ hg 2. Qh8+ Nxh8 3. Rg7#
What a mess ! A real game, one would have to assume.
Nice and short.
1. Rxg6+ hxg6 (forced)
2. Qh8+ Nxh8 (forced)
3. Rg7#
Lovely one.
1. Rxg6+ hxg6 (only move)
2. Qh8+ Nxh8 (only move)
3. Rg7#
Hi Susan Polgar,
Well,Okay puzzle,not even hard.
White wins the game.[ Variations exist ]
1.R*Bg6+ h*Rg6
2.R*Nf7 Re1+
3.Ka2 b3+
4.c*b a*Bb2
5.Qh7++ Mate.
White wins the game.
Venky [ India – Chennai ]
1. sac the rook at g6
2. sac the queen at h8
2. mate at g7
The first clue to the solution is the dark squared bishop on the lovely a1-h8 diagonal. It is under attack by black’s a pawn, but alas, black will have no opportunity to execute the capture,because white will force black to respond to checks until mate is achieved.
1.Rxg6+ hxg6(only move)
2.Qh8+! Nxh8(only move)