Chessdom stats and advertising price list June – September 2010
statistics made public, new formats available
After yet another record period for and the successful promotion of the WCC 2010, the statistics of the website and the demographics have been updated. With them we release the new formats and possibilities available as advertisement options (including video advertisement and in game promotion) in the period June – September 2010. The new options are available for download at this link.
Note: As we are in the period of political campaigns and bids for important events, advertisement for such will have +50% additional charge. For all other chess products and events, annual advertisement has 20% discount.
Quick facts about the first 5 months of Chessdom for 2010
* A total of 2 804 839 unique visitors (from more than 2 million unique IP addresses) have come to from the beginning of the year. They have viewed a total of 15 000 000 (15 million) pages and stayed average of 14 minutes daily on the website.
That makes close to 20 000 unique daily users viewing over 100 000 articles every day.
* Visitors from more than 200 countries and territories have accessed Close to half million people are from the USA (the top contry in the list with 16% of the visitors), while there are 40 countries with 15 000+ visitors.
* Consequently, 19% of the visitors come from North America, followed by 16% from North Europe, 14% from West Europe, 12% from East Europe, and 9% from South-Eastern Asia. Scroll down for graph.
* The unique visitors stats represent 239% increase compared to the same period in 2008 and 111% increase compared to the same period in 2009. Until the end of the year the projected growth is expected to be over 100% on annual basis.
* The data above is provided by a merge of Google Analytics and the server company stats and can have 5% diviation. The general profile of audience is also available (dated March 2010) and you can download it from here.
Impressive statistic.
Thanks Susan i didnt know that,Um one of the tricksters that be on there! Yeah Um usin tricks!!!
These are authoritative web analytics that I can believe.