U.S. TV Broadcast List of Cities for a 2 hour Chess Show
Jul 24, 2005 at 12 PM NY time
The list of stations will be released soon and will be listed in your local TV Guide.
1. Boston
2. NY City
3. Philadelphia
4. Washington, D.C.
5. Baltimore
6. Norfolk
7. Winston-Salem-Durham
8. Memphis
9. Nashville
10. Tampa
11. Toronto
12. New Orleans
13. Houston
14. Austin
15. Dallas
16. Pittsburgh
17. Columbus
18. Indianapolis
19. Chicago
20. Twin-Cities
21. St. Louis
22. Denver
23. Kansas City
24. Phoenix
25. Los Angeles
26. San Francisco
27. San Diego
28. Portland
29. Seattle
30. Buffalo, NY
31. Louisville
32. Jackson, TN
You can also watch it on the Internet!!
Internet Broadcast List of Cities and Websites
Alabama, Missouri, Michigan, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, California, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, Washington, DC, New York, Nevada, Georgia.
Also, the entire Continent of Africa, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and Dominican Republic!
Tampa Bay, Florida, Metropolitan Area, including, Pasco, Hernando, Citrus, Pinellas, Hillsborough, Polk, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties. http://www.tbsattv.com/
Tampa Bay Satellite Television
Station #2 North Louisiana: Starting at Alexandria, LA. going east to the Louisiana state line, from Alexandria going west to the Louisiana state line, and from Alexandria going north to the Louisiana state line, all within.
Fair Lawn, NJ: http://www.fetvnewyork.com/ http://www.fetvsuffolkcty.com/ http://www.fetvafrica.com/ http://www.fetvn.com/ http://www.fetvdc.com/ http://www.fetvlasvegas.com/ http://www.fetv2.com/
North Louisiana Satellite Television: http://www.nlsattv.com/
Neosho, MO: www.realityworldonlinetv.com/mo www.realityworldonlinetv.com/ar
Boone, NC: http://www.boonetv.com/ http://www.winstonsalem-tv.com/ http://www.greensboro-tv.com/
Moreno Valley, CA: http://www.inlandempiretv.com/ http://www.breedersusatv.com/
Omaha, NE: http://www.omahaonlinetv.com/
Columbus, OH: http://www.columbusohioitv.com/
Toledo, OH: http://www.weuptv.com/ http://www.w3ctv.com/ http://www.jpztv.com/ http://www.wzztv.com/ http://www.koktv.com/ http://www.wjbtv.com/
San Marino, CA: http://www.tvcal.com/ http://www.tvcali.com/ http://www.tvsocal.com/
Spencer, OK: http://www.okcsattv.com/ http://www.tulsasattv.com/ http://www.normansattv.com/
Chesterfield, MI: http://www.anchorbaytv.com/
San Angelo, TX: http://www.itvn-west-texas.us/
Indiana and Illinois: http://www.galaxy1a.com/
Warsaw, IN: http://www.warsawintv.net/
Meridian, MS: http://www.meridianinternettv.com/
San Juan, Puerto Rico: http://www.puertoricsattv.com/ http://www.virginislandssattv.com/ http://www.santodomingosattv.com/
Atlanta, GA: http://www.atlantatv.biz/
Romulas, MI: http://www.detroitonlinetv.com/
North Carolina: http://www.monroenettv.com/ http://www.metronettv.com/
Here are the rest: http://www.mecknettv.com/ http://www.therocknettv.com/ http://www.stanleynettv.com/ http://www.salinburynettv.com/
Wow! What a list! Thank you Susan!
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Perhaps you can watch it on the Internet in one of the sites below?
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
We got left out again, Hawaii the fifthy state of the U.S.A., maybe we’ll get to see it if shown again later!. I’ll recheck! ;-(
Mahalo, Paco
Aloha We’ll check on that, Mahalo, Paco
Thanks for the post I guess syracuse ny got left out I will have to watch it on the net.
Susan! My daughter just handed me Parade magazine after my wife spotted your picture on the cover. Congrats on being featured as one of the smartest women in modern history.
The article is”Are Men smarter than women?” and it is in today’s Sunday paper in the U.S.
The article makes excellent points on how subjective intelligence is.
YOu can vote for Susan and others at their online poll—-
Wow! Any chess playmates gonna be on the show?