Rapid tournament dedicated to the memory of legendary Grandmaster Igor Bondarevsky was held on 19-20th July at the VertolExpo Сongress & Еxhibition Сentre in Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
The event was completed over 11 rounds of swiss pairings with the rapid time control 15′+10”. The results are valid for the Rapid Grand Prix Cup of Russia.
Grandmasters Ivan Popov, Vladimir Belous, Alexander Riazantsev and Sanan Sjugirov have shared the first place with 8,5/11 points each. Ivan Popov took the winner’s trophy on best Buchholz score. Standings below.
129 players competed for the prize fund of 11,800 EUR. There were 15 regular awards, and also prizes for women, veterans and juniors.
Alex will win