Become a Strategist in Life!
Posted on May 1, 2012 by Laura in General Chess Articles
Have you ever sat at your desk, with your head in your hands, wondering what went wrong in your business? Something happened and you were caught off guard. Could it be that you just missed “the right move”? One of the benefits of teaching your child to play chess at an early age is that they learn to observe the position, look into the future and plan several moves deep. As a result children […]
Ron W. Henley’s Wild Dzindzi Indian Slugfest
Posted on April 30, 2012 by GM Ron W Henley in All Articles w/ Videos, Chess Openings, Strategy & Game Review
In this video Ron W. Henley examines a game from his own personal collection, showing some of his own ideas on the theory of the Dzindzi Indian. The game shows the power of putting constant pressure on white and using forcing moves to completely ruin white’s pawn structure following by an immediate attack on the white king. White tries to gain counter play for his weaker position by putting pressure on the long white diagonal […]
Posted on April 29, 2012 by chessblogger in Strategy & Game Review
In part one of the series we talked about the basic position of Ruy Lopez’s Open Variation. We examined a not-so-trying sideline in 6. Re1. Today we tackle what I think is a very interesting, and also very theoretical, variation known as the Riga. It was favored by Latvian players and Tal himself played it in a famous game against Lasker. Here is the position in the main line of the Open Spanish after white’s […]
Posted on April 27, 2012 by iPlayooChess in Beginner’s Corner, Classic Games (Pre 2010), General Chess Articles, Strategy & Game Review
Everybody knows the importance of infantry. As the oldest branch of combat arms, it is still the backbone of modern armies. The army’s infantry is its most essential component. You don’t win a war unless you have your Infantrymen, “boots on the ground,” standing on and holding your enemies ground. The foot soldier has always ruled the battlefield. Infantry is notable for its reliance on closely organized formations to be employed in battle. As shown […]

William Stewart is a National Master. He specializes in Online Chess Coaching and maintains a daily updated Chess Blog
what nonsense. Baseball would work better.