Assessing a critical position Breaking News White to move. What is your assessment of this position? How should White continue? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
f4+ Kh6 (otherwise Rxh7++)
Ng4+ Kh5
Nf6+ Kh4 (or Kh6)
as for the position white is losing if not for the unsafe black king because of the passed pawn on the a-file.
Why is this position critical, I need to know?
I found the same line beginning with f4+. The pawn on a2 looks totally winning for black, so f4+ must have been a nasty surprise!
PS Anonymous postings should be outlawed.
f4+! is the only best move for white.
“Assessing a critical position” … for white.
Critical because black’s passed pawn needs one more push to get promoted, and white has to do something to save his king by neutralizing the anticipating pawn or by just forcing a win.
I spotted f4+ at looking like white’s best chance but couldnt make it work out as the first anonymous poster has.
Well done anonymous.
What game is this from?