March 13-25 2010, Nice France
The 19th Amber Blindfold and Rapid tournament, organized by the Association Max Euwe in Monaco, takes place from March 13 (first round) to March 25 (last round) at the Palais de la Mediterranée, splendidly located on the famous Promenade des Anglais in Nice. The total prize-fund is € 216,000.
The twelve participants are (in alphabetical order):
Levon Aronian (Armenia),
Magnus Carlsen (Norway),
Leinier Dominguez (Cuba),
Vugar Gashimov (Azerbaijan),
Boris Gelfand (Israel),
Vasily Ivanchuk (Ukraine),
Sergey Karjakin (Russia),
Vladimir Kramnik (Russia),
Alexander Morozevich (Russia),
Ruslan Ponomariov (Ukraine),
Jan Smeets (The Netherlands),
Peter Svidler (Russia).
Every day four sessions will be played, two blindfold sessions and two rapid sessions. The first session starts at 14.30 hrs. The fourth session finishes around 20.00 hrs. (Note: the final round on March 25 starts at 12.30 hrs. March 17 and 22 are rest days.)
Official website: http://www.amberchess2010.com/
How come Topalov isn’t invited?
“How come Topalov isn’t invited?”
Do you live on Mars or something?
Your question has the same answer as ‘Why wasn’t Anand invited?’