No pawns here: New chess group invites young people to join
Montgomery — The Hudson Valley Chess Association ran its first in a series of chess tournaments that aim to involved kids in fundraising for local cancer charities in the Hudson Valley.
“It is not enough to talk about social justice and community involvement,” said Eric Raphael, a father of three, and the representative for the organization. “We must empower the next generation to take responsibility in there communities, and we must teach are children to care for the impoverished, the sick and the needy. As our society cannot afford to look away from the Dr. King’s dream, we must move closer to a time and place where it becomes self-evident that we as brothers and sister are equal.”
The full story can be read here.
Now it is 8:50 am in Sofia, 1:50 am in New York. This blog has been just started …
Yes……but do it the way Dr. King would have did it….dont use his dream for your own political selfish motives. And I am not speaking of anyone in particular but of all in general. If you want the mind of Dr. King you better have the heart also…..or else its not in his honor.
I don’t quite understand the spin in the article about what Chess, Dr. King’s Dream, and the fundraiser for cancer have to do with each other.
Or, more likely, is this some hidden request for more social palliatives? If he is worried about ’empower[ing] the next generation’ then he should be actively seeking to abolish any form of Affirmative Action in his community and not take a bona-fide chess event to raise funds for cancer charities and add his obvious political spin to it.
Shame on him.
…and shame on you as well, Susan. You can find plenty of other stuff to highlight without this invasive, political tripe contained within.
“We must teach our children to care for the impoverished, the sick and the needy. As our society cannot afford to look away from the Dr. King’s dream”….
Yeah, I agree with anon, what tripe. Mr. Raphael must be a commie liberal looking to turn kids gay with all this “taking care of the sick and needy” tripe. I wonder what Jesus would think.
Using a chess tournament to raise money for cancer research is equally nauseating. We all know to what vile politics these cancer researchers subscribe.
I suppose next GM Polgar will next be assaulting us with revolting ideas like “taking care of the homeless” and “tolerance”
“We must empower the next generation to take responsibility in there communities…”
How? By giving them more handouts? By propogating your poverty to them? By Affirmative Action?
“…we must move closer to a time and place where it becomes self-evident that we as brothers and sister are equal.”
He’s right. It’s NOT enough to talk about social justice – you have to actually ACT YOURSELF to rise above the level of poverty the government wants to keep you at with freebies, handouts and social programs that keep you poor and needing the government.
But, that takes EFFORT. That takes SELF INITIATIVE.
And this conversation DOES NOT BELONG attached to this news story about helping cancer charities, spinning into some BS woe is me/I’m poor help me diatribe in the name of Dr. King.
I woudn’t expect mendrys to understand that however, being a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialist Party of Tennessee himself.
Everything ‘good’ does not need political or social activist spin attached to it.
“And this conversation DOES NOT BELONG attached to this news story about helping cancer charities, spinning into some BS woe is me/I’m poor help me diatribe in the name of Dr. King.
I woudn’t expect mendrys to understand that however, being a card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialist Party of Tennessee himself”
Typical. Not only does your diatribe have nothing to do with the article (using a chess tournament to raise money for cancer charities) you then feel it necessary to insult me behind your anonymous tag.
Did you actually read the article? Do you assume that anyone who quotes Dr. King must be a commie liberal? Where in my bio does it state my political leanings? They are really quite complicated
I really don’t want to debate your Limbaugh/O’Reillian politics but just want to know: What does the article have to do with affirmitive action and welfare that makes it invasive political tripe in your eyes?
Nice! involving the next generation for being concern with the community is such a great idea of preparing them as future leaders with their responsibilities. More power and God Bless.