Nxe6 doesn’t work as black has Bf6 and Raa8 successfully defending.
The solution is
1. d7! Rd8.
2. Ne8 (stopping Bf6). Ra7
3. Rc8. Raxd7
4. Rcxd8! And white is rook up.
If 3…..Rdxd7
4. Nf6++ Bf8.
5. Nxf7 and white is a rook up with black to lose another piece or the exchange.
I am tempted to try Nxe6.
yes I guess so!
Nxe6 doesn’t work as black has Bf6 and Raa8 successfully defending.
The solution is
1. d7! Rd8.
2. Ne8 (stopping Bf6). Ra7
3. Rc8. Raxd7
4. Rcxd8! And white is rook up.
If 3…..Rdxd7
4. Nf6++ Bf8.
5. Nxf7 and white is a rook up with black to lose another piece or the exchange.
1.Nxe6 Bf6 is meaningless. However
1.Nxe6 Rbb8
2.Rxc8+ Rxc8
3.d7 and now what?
I was having some stray thought whether after
1.Nxe6 Rxc4 2.d7 black has 2… Bf6 but 3.d8=Q+ Bxd8 4.Rxd8 is mate as n is guarding g7.
After 1.d7 Rd8 2.Ne8 , 2… Rbb8 seems to be right move.Black will slowly bring B to e7 via f8. After that black can release R at b8.