Pentala Harikrishna takes the trophy in Cappelle la Grande
The 28th International Open Cappelle la Grande was held on 3-10th March 2012 at the Palais des arts in Cappelle la Grande, France. 497 players participated.
After nine rounds of interesting play, with the top games being broadcasted on the Chessdom/Chessbomb platform, five players shared the first place with 7 points each: Indians Pentala Harikrishna and Parimarjan Negi, Georgian Tornike Sanikidze, local GM Tigran Gharamian and the late comer with a last round victory Martyn Kravtsiv from Ukraine.
Pentala Harikrishna was declared winner on best tie-break score. A wonderful achievement for the Grandmaster who recently won the Tata Steel B Tournament.
GM norm: Maxime Lagarde and Marcin Tazbir
WGM norm: Sarah Hoolt
WIM norm: Aleksandra Lach and Ewa Przezdziecka
IM norm: Etienne Goudriaan
The popular tournament featured the prize fund of 30,000 EUR and started immediately after the 11th Rochefort Chess Open, making it convenient for the players to combine participation in two events.
Cappelle-la-Grande is a small town of 8000 inhabitants in the northeast of France, near to the North Sea.
It is part of the Urban Community of Dunkerque, an industrial and commercial port with residential areas housing more than 200,000 inhabitants.
Replay the games with computer analysis
Final standings:
1-5. GM HARIKRISHNA Pentala 2678 IND, GM NEGI Parimarjan 2639 IND, GM SANIKIDZE Tornike 2549 GEO, GM GHARAMIAN Tigran 2671 FRA and GM KRAVTSIV Martyn 2588 UKR – 7.0
6-21. GM PETROSIAN Tigran 2643 ARM, GM LYSYJ Igor 2656 RUS, GM ROMANOV Evgeny 2625 RUS, GM BANUSZ Tamas 2583 HUN, GM RAMIREZ Alejandro 2591 USA, GM CORNETTE Matthieu 2545 FRA, GM NYZHNYK Illya 2585 UKR, GM NAUMKIN Igor 2452 RUS, GM BRODSKY Michail 2558 UKR, GM ARUTINIAN David 2553 GEO, GM MAIOROV Nikita 2552 BLR, GM KURNOSOV Igor 2657 RUS 41 2633, GM TOMCZAK Jacek 2555 POL, IM LAGARDE Maxime 2488 FRA, GM FIER Alexandr 2599 BRA and GM KANEP Meelis 2516 EST – 6.5
22-67. GM AMIN Bassem 2608 EGY, GM SANDIPAN Chanda 2595 IND, GM KHARITONOV Alexandr 2542 RUS, GM SOKOLOV Andrei 2577 FRA, GM APICELLA Manuel 2541 FRA, GM DURARBAYLI Vasif 2543 AZE, GM POGORELOV Ruslan 2426 UKR, GM WIRIG Anthony 2481 FRA, GM ANDRIASIAN Zaven 2616 ARM, GM MEKHITARIAN Krikor Sevag 2512 BRA, GM JANEV Evgeni 2484 BUL, GM SZABO Krisztian 2538 HUN, IM TAZBIR Marcin 2513 POL, GM FEDORCHUK Sergey 2634 UKR, GM JOJUA Davit 2507 GEO, GM HARUTJUNYAN Gevorg 2455 ARM, GM RADULSKI Julian 2552 BUL, GM HORVATH Adam 2487 HUN, GM BURMAKIN Vladimir 2592 RUS, GM TIMOSHENKO Georgy 2569 UKR, GM SVESHNIKOV Evgeny 2499 LAT, GM DGEBUADZE Alexandre 2548 BEL, GM DEGRAEVE Jean-Marc 2569 FRA, GM VOVK Andrey 2540 UKR, GM LE ROUX Jean-Pierre 2550 FRA, GM SOLAK Dragan 2602 TUR, GM MIRZOEV Azer 2560 AZE, GM VERA Reynaldo 2482 CUB, GM BERCZES David 2544 HUN, IM RIFF Jean-Noel 2509 FRA, IM FIRAT Burak 2405 TUR, GM CHERNYSHOV Konstantin 2561 RUS, GM VOROBIOV Evgeny 2580 RUS, IM SVESHNIKOV Vladimir 2426 LAT, GM SHNEIDER Aleksandr 2529 UKR, IM BERNADSKIY Vitaliy 2464 UKR, GM POPOVIC Dusan 2561 SRB, IM KOLOSOWSKI Mateusz 2439 POL, RZAYEV Bahruz 2360 AZE, GM PETKOV Vladimir 2509 BUL, GM MANOLACHE Marius 2561 ROU, IM BIJAOUI Manuel 2395 FRA, GM JOVANIC Ognjen 2493 CRO, FM MUELLER Ralf 2412 GER, GM BAUER Christian 2679 FRA, GM CZEBE Attila 2477 HUN – 6.0 etc
This is another big win for him.