Round 2 results Chen Zhu vs Ju Wenjun [0-1] Anna Muzychuk vs Alina Kashlinskaya [1-0] Inna Gaponenko vs Alexandra Kosteniuk [1/2-1/2] Harika Dronavalli vs Dinara Saduakassova [1/2-1/2] Olga Zimina vs Nana Dzagnidze [0-1] Valentina Gunina vs Shiqun Ni [0-1]...
The roller coaster playoff at Women’s World Championship
There were 4 upsets in the first round playoff (in red) Game 1 25’10 SNo. NAME Result SNo. NAME 4 Harika Dronavalli 1-0 61 Shamima Akter Liza 60 Mona Khaled 1-0 5 Dzagnidze Nana 8 Zhao Xue 1-0 57...
Maximizing information & technology to succeed
There is no reason why girls / women cannot play chess as well as boys / men do. But it means that we also have to spend as much time if not more to train, improve, and get ready...
Anand: “If I know something to be good, I am 100% sure of it.”
Anand: ‘Technology has eliminated uncertainty in Chess’ It was an evening of enthralling discussion with five-time world champion V. Anand and IM V. Saravanan on some of the finer aspects of evolution of the game and Anand’s journey through...
Chess at school improve at maths in Denmark
Danish children who play chess at school improve at maths ‘School Chess Day’ is spreading throughout the country February 10th, 2017 3:13 pm| by Ray W Danish school children across the country will be meeting once again on Friday...
Threats, blackmail, criminal activities lead to criminal investigation
After the ECU General Assembly in Baku, Azerbaijan, all the investigation’s reports and materials from Bulgaria, Montenegro and FIDE Ethics Commission, as well related with the case press items & letters from the above countries, including Serbia, were sent...
Daily Chess Improvement: Real Game Classic Tactic!
White to move. How should White proceed? 2q3k1/5p2/4PQpp/p2p4/3P4/P2b2PB/5K1P/1r6 w – – 0 43 Furman, Semen Abramovich – Keres, Paul (Moscow, 1948)