Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: W. Harvey
Sinquefield Cup round 8 results

Round: 8 GM Aronian, Levon vs GM Anand, Viswanathan [1/2-1/2] GM Carlsen, Magnus vs GM Nakamura, Hikaru [1/2-1/2] GM Grischuk, Alexander vs GM Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime [1/2-1/2] GM Giri, Anish vs GM Caruana, Fabiano [1/2-1/2] GM So, Wesley vs GM Topalov, Veselin [1/2-1/2]
5-way tie for 1st in Abu Dhabi

Final standings (top 70) Poř. St.č. Jméno FED Rtg Body PH 1 PH 2 PH 3 w-we K rtg+/- 1 12 GM Grandelius Nils SWE 2628 7.0 0.0 2609 53.0 1.92 10 19.2 2 24 GM Kravtsiv Martyn UKR 2599 7.0 0.0 2601 53.5 2.16 10 21.6 3 5 GM Jobava Baadur GEO 2664 […]
Sinquefield Cup round 8 LIVE!

The 3rd Annual Sinquefield Cup is taking place from August 22 – September 3, 2015, at the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL). The super tournament will gather some of the strongest players in the world, who will try to take the crown from Fabiano Caruana who won Sinquefield Cup 2014 (Replay games […]
80th Spanish Individual Championship 2015 LIVE!

The 80th Spanish Individual Chess Championship is taking place from August 23-31, 2015, in Linares, Spain. The event is a 9-round Swiss tournament with the participation of the strongest Spanish players. Top seeds areGM Francisco Vallejo Pons (2686), GM David Anton Guijarro (2635) and GM Ivan Salgado Lopez (2615). Tournament website/ Standings and statistics
Portugal Open 2015 LIVE!

The Portugal Open 2015 is taking place from August 30th to September 5th, at Escola Secundária Sebastião e Silva, in Oeiras, Portugal. The event is a 9-round Swiss open with tempo of play 90′/ 40 + 30′ + 30″. 110 players from 13 different countries will take part in the event. Top seed is Russian GM Vladimir […]
Abu Dhabi Masters Tournament 2015 LIVE!

The 22nd Abu Dhabi Masters Tournament is taking place from August 23-31, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The event is a 9-round Swiss FIDE tournament, open for players rated 2000 Elo or above. 147 players from 35 different countries, including 57 Grandmasters, will take part in the competition. Top seed is GM David Howell of England […]
Armenian Individual Championship 2015 LIVE!

The 76th Armenian Individual Championship is taking place from August 21st to September 3rd, 2015, in the Armenian capital Yerevan. The event is a 14-player round-robin tournament with tempo of play 90′/ 40 + 30′ + 30″. Top seed is GM Hovik Hayrapetyan (2467). Tournament website/ Standings and statistics
Daily Chess Improvement: Real game chess tactic!

Black to move. How should black proceed? Source: