On Chess: Flexible identity part of online funSaturday May 19, 2012 10:39 AM Anonymity is not a state that most of us welcome. But in the vast, impersonal cyberspace of the Internet, anonymity offers the possibility of freedom. No one but ourselves need know the results of our games. We can celebrate our wins and, […]
Nakamura defeats Seirawan, wins US Championship
US Championship 2012Round: 11White: Hikaru NakamuraBlack: Yasser SeirawanDate: Sat May 19 2012Result: 1-0 1. e4 e6 2. f4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. c3 Nge7 6. Na3 Nf5 7. Nc2 h5 8. Bd3 g6 9. O-O Be7 10. Bxf5 gxf5 11. d4 h4 12. dxc5 Bxc5+ 13. Be3 Be7 14. h3 b6 […]
US Championship LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
US Women’s Championship LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Slav did not let Anand down
The Slav Defence did not let Anand down In the sixth game, the opponents once again played the Slav Defence. This time the challenger opted for the variation 6.Qc2 instead of 6.b3. The game developed further on quietly: Black got an isolated pawn in the centre, but it was compensated for by a somewhat passive […]
Kasparov: Anand has lost motivation
Anand has lost motivation: KasparovPTI | May 19, 2012, 01.41PM IST MOSCOW: Chess legend Garry Kasparov believes that reigning world champion Viswanathan Anand has lost motivation and the Indian, who is defending his title against Boris Gelfand right now, has been “sliding downhill” for the past few years. “What I think with Vishy is that […]
9th Annual Susan Polgar Foundation Girl’s Invitational (FREE rooms and meals for official qualifiers)
Rules and Conditions for the 9th Annual Susan Polgar Foundation Girls’ Invitational (SPGI)July 22 – 27, 2012 at Webster University (St. Louis, Missouri) Over $100,000 in chess scholarships, chess prizes, netbook computers, etc. The annual Susan Polgar Girl’s Invitational, the most prestigious all-girls event in the United States, will be held at Webster University (St. […]
Qué ocurrió con las tres niñas que nunca fueron al colegio
Qué ocurrió con las tres niñas que nunca fueron al colegioFederico Marín Bellón – Ajedrez07 de mayo de 201207 de mayo de 2012 Un reciente artículo de ABC ha puesto sobre la mesa el debate sobre la posibilidad de educar a los hijos en casa. Leopoldo María Panero (que tampoco es la mejor fuente posible) […]
All Year Chess tournament listing
El explorador no admite los marcos flotantes o no est‡ configurado actualmente para mostrarlos. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar