This is a true story (believe it or not?) of the Japanese Embassy in the United States. A while ago, Japanese Prime Minister Mori received some instructions in Basic English conversation before he visits Washington and meets president Barack...
Vallejo Pons, Nyzhnyk lead Torneo Internbacional Bahia
Standings after 7 rounds Rk. Nombre FED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts. TB1 1 GM Vallejo Pons,Francisco ESP * 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 5.0 15.75 2 GM Nyzhnyk, Illya UKR...
From Russia to Ashburn
IM Andrianov and Scott Knoke From Russia, IM Lands in Ashburn International Master’s experience in chess training runs through Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Indonesia, the Philippines and Arizona. By Herky del Mundo 12:09pm It has been a long journey. Ashburn...
Capablanca Memorial LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom You can replay all games in the first seven rounds with computer analysis, courtesy of Chessbomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Nakamura-Ponomariov / Finegold-Robson LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Thursday chess challenge
White to move. How should white proceed? 2r2r2/b2b1p1k/4pp1p/q2p1P1B/8/p1N3R1/2PQ2PP/7K w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Fight draw between Grischuk and Gelfand
Team Grischuk: Alexander Riazantsev, Peter Svidler and Etienne BacrotTeam Gelfand: Alexander Huzman and Maxim Rodshtein [Event “Candidates Final Match”][Site “Kazan”][Date “2011.05.19”][Round “3.1”][White “Grischuk, Alexander”][Black “Gelfand, Boris”][Result “1/2-1/2”][ECO “D37”][WhiteElo “2747”][BlackElo “2733”] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5...
Report from St. Louis
For more information, please contact:Mike WilmeringCommunications SpecialistChess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint LouisPonomariov, Robson Still Lead in Saint LouisBy Ken West In both games, white played e4; in both games white refused to trade queens to remove black’s...
An unusual year for the Champion
Cmilyte enjoys unusual year with newly-crowned European chess title 09:00, May 19, 2011Source: Xinhua The year 2011 must be somewhat unusual for Viktorija Cmilyte, in which she has won the European Individual Women Chess Championship on Wednesday since 2003...