Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Celebrating Ben Finegold style
After Ben got his final norm and GM title, we had an impromptu celebration party at my home for Ben and some of his SPICE Cup B group colleagues. Of course Ben did not want to miss out the...
Happy Birthday to a former US Champion!
Can you name this former US Champion? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
One more to go for B group
America’s newest Grandmaster Ben Finegold!Round 8 photos set 2 (43 pictures): Round 8 photos (31 pictures): Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Keeping the dream ALIVE!
Ray was about to play 24. Qxg7 and GM Diamant resigned immediately. Ray needed this win to keep his GM title hope alive. Ray will face FM Rensch tomorrow with the Black pieces. If Ray wins, he will become...
LIVE picture of the So-Hammer game
Intense fighting battle between the Filipino and Norwegian stars in round 7. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Breaking News! GM Finegold at last!
Danny went all out and he tried very hard. But at the end, GM-elect Ben Finegold was just too solid. Congratulations to America’s newest Grandmaster Ben Finegold! We will have a celebration for Ben at my home tonight. Well...
Battle of the young stars
Round 8 photos (31 pictures): LIVE games: LIVE commentary by chessdom: IM Finegold offered a draw on move 14 to secure his GM title. FM Rensch refused and played on. Stay tuned. Chess Daily News from...
The norm scenario
LIVE coverage: IM Ben Finegold – He needs 1/2 point in 2 games to clinch his GM title. He will have White against FM Rensch in round 8 and Black against GM Perelshteyn in round 9. IM Ray...
Short wins! Short wins!
Photo by Mikhail Golubev The final score is Short 3.5 – Efimenko 2.5 [Date “2009.09.26”][Round “6”][White “Efimenko, Z.”][Black “Short, N.”][Result “1/2-1/2”][ECO “C44”][WhiteElo “2654”][BlackElo “2706”] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. e5 Ng4...